No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from John Nolan, David Shamma, Graham Bowes, Adrian Axtell, Phill Gooden, Lawrence Wright and Dawn Sadler.
Minutes Minutes: IT WAS AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2001 were a correct record subject to the spelling of Graham Bowes and Adrian Axtell.
Dignity at Work Minutes: The Dignity at Work Policy applied only to employees and Councillors of Peterborough City Council and not customers of Peterborough City Council.
Paragraph 8.1 - Sexual Harassment
To be reworded to read the following :-
Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination by men at women, women at men and other persons of the same sex.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that the Dignity at Work Policy be agreed by Employment Committee with effect from 1 January 2003. |
Managing Religious Diversity Minutes: The Managing Religious Diversity at Work Procedure had been developed to assist the effective management of religious diversity within the workplace.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that the Managing Religious Diversity at Work Policy be agreed by Employment Committee with effect from 1 January 2003.
Employees Rights and Responsibilities Minutes: The Employees Rights and Responsibilities Policy establishes the standards employees have under the Council's Equalities Policy and their responsibility in implementing them.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that the Employees Rights and Responsibilities Policy be agreed by Employment Committee with effect from 1 January 2003.
Leave for Part-timers Minutes: Leave for Part-timers Policy seeks to lay down clearly the amount of annual Bank Holiday entitlement part-time staff are entitled to.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that Leave for Part-timers Policy be agreed by Employment Committee with effect from 1 April 2003. |
Mental Well-Being Minutes: The Mental Well-Being Policy was being proposed to help to support employees who felt under stress at work. Guidance notes had been produced by the Health and Safety Executive who encourage the self-management of stress related issues. The policy was a practical step to keep employees safe from harm and to assist the Council to manage work related risks by putting in place an appropriate preventative measure.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that the Mental Well-Being Policy be agreed by Employment Committee with immediate effect.
Extension of Service Minutes: We were advised that whilst the Trade Union side support the continued employment of existing employees over the age of 65, they do not support the recruitment of people over the age of 65. The Council has a current policy of retirement at 65 years of age with some discretion on existing employees with the agreement from the Leader of the Council and the Head of Human Resources. The Trade Unions had no objection to this in principle if staff were already in the employment of the Council. We asked officers to delete the word "anticipated" in the first bullet point of paragraph 1.2 of the report and delete the words "anticipated or" in paragraph 2.1 second line.
Subject to the above amendments IT WAS RECOMMENDED that the Extension of Service be agreed by Employment Committee with effect from 1 January 2003.
Request for Additional Leave Minutes: A request for an additional days leave had been received from the Trade Unions for Friday 27 December 2002. Obviously not all employees would be able to take the day off as there would be a need to maintain essential services within the Social Services area of operation, as well as Housing Services. The Trade Union advised that in their opinion significant savings could be realised from closing the majority of offices on this day and it would also send out a message of appreciation to members of staff. We noted some of the workforce at the Depot only work until lunchtime on a Friday and essential services would be covered in the usual way by people being on stand-by.
The employers considered the request and this was refused by 2 votes for and 5 against. Directors Group had recommended that a skeleton staff cover all offices and if people wanted the day off as annual leave this should be granted wherever possible. Councillor Sanders said because of the budget situation and to be fair to everyone it was regrettable that the additional days leave could not be approved.
IT WAS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED that Employment Committee refuse the request from the Trade Union for an additional days leave on 27 December 2002.
If staff were having difficulties in obtaining Christmas leave they should contact Allan Baxter or Sally Wilkinson who would assist.
The meeting having commenced at 3.30pm concluded at 4.07pm.