No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bleakney and Franklin, David Sharma (GMB) and John Nolan (GMB) |
Minutes Minutes: WE AGREED as an accurate record the minutes of our meeting held on 17 March 2004. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: In accordance with Standing Orders we agreed that the remainder of the meeting would contain exempt information as defined by paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and the press and public would be excluded. |
Joint Consultative Fora Minutes: We received the report on the Implementation Agreement, Christmas and New Year Annual Leave and Cycle Mileage.
(i) Implementation Agreement
The national joint Council reached agreement on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2004 and 1 April 2005, the settlement involves a number of changes to the National Agreement, particularly the new Implementation Agreement.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that Employment Committee:-
(a) note the progress regarding the Implementation Agreement
(b) note the outline Project Plan as detailed in report.
(ii) Christmas Leave 2004
The Trade Union side advised that substantial savings could be made as well as additional revenue received by closing the offices on 27 and 28 December and staff taking one day’s leave on 29 December. It would be a massive gesture of appreciation to the employees if this request was acceded to, however it was appreciated that some services operate a 365 day basis, and these would be maintained.
We were advised that Directors Group did not support the request. Employment Committee RECOMMENDED not to support the Trade Unions request to allow employees an additional 2 days annual leave over the Christmas holiday period. We confirmed that on Christmas Eve staff would leave at 12 Noon and any future requests for additional leave at Christmas should be submitted to Employment Committee on its merits. (iii) Cycle Mileage
The Employment Working Group proposes an increase in cycle mileage following a recommendation from the Travel Plan Steering Group from 15p to 35p per mile.
Employment Committee were RECOMMENDED not to support the increase to the cycle mileage allowance.
The meeting concluded at 3.30pm.