No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Dalton, David Sharma (GMB) and Tony Ellington (AMICUS) |
Minutes of Joint Consultative Panel held on 17 November 2004 Minutes: The Panel AGREED as an accurate record the minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2004.
In accordance with Standing Orders the Panel agreed that the remainder of the meeting would contain exempt information as defined by paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and the press and public would be excluded. |
Joint Consultative Panel Report - Human Resources Policies |
Conclusion of business: formal record of time Minutes: Joint Consultative Fora
The Panel received a report on the following policies and procedures:
(i) Dignity at Work Policy
Amendments to the policy.
(ii) Capability Procedure
Amendments to the procedure.
(iii) Annual Leave Policy
Amendments to the policy.
(iv) Grievance Procedure
Amendments to the policy.
(v) Probationary Policy
A new policy.
(vi) Remote Working Policy
A new policy.
(vii) Disciplinary Policy
Amendments to the policy. It was reported that the Trade Union side was awaiting legal opinion.
(viii) Home Working Policy
Amendments to the policy (for information).
(ix) Public Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy
Amendments to the policy (for information).
(x) Long Service Awards Policy
Amendments to the policy (for information).
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that Employment Committee:-
(a) agree the amendments to the policies and procedures numbered (i) to (vi)
(b) agree the amendments to the Disciplinary Policy (vii), and that the policy be brought back for review if requested by the Trade Union side.
(c) note for information the polices numbered (viii) to (x).
The meeting ended at 3.00pm.