Agenda, decisions and minutes

Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee - Monday 13th April, 2015 1.30 pm

Venue: Bourges/Viersen Rooms- Town Hall

Contact: Philippa Turvey; Senior Governance Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members must declare whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, or other interest, in any of the items on the agenda, unless it is already entered in the register of members’ interests or is a “pending notification “ that has been disclosed to the Solicitor to the Council.

Members must also declare if they are subject to their party group whip in relation to any items under consideration.



Application for Premises Licence - Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation, Guild House, Oundle Road, Peterborough PE2 9PW pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Additional documents:





This Decision Notice refers to the application for the premises licence Anglia Ruskin University, Guild House, Oundle Road, Peterborough.


The Sub-Committee have considered the representations made to us today and in writing from:


  • The Applicant, the Designated Premises Supervisor and the Applicant’s Representative;
  • Ward Councillor Thulbourn;
  • S Riseley and Gareth Evans; and
  • 17 Local Residents in the capacity as ‘other persons’.


The Ward Councillor and objectors have raised concerns regarding off site parking; noise emitted from the premises; an increase in drunkenness in the area and associated anti social behaviour.


We sympathise with residents’ concerns about off site car parking but this is outside of this committee’s control, and the applicant states that when there is an organised function, there will be free on site parking for those attending.


In our deliberations we have considered:


-       Our own Statement of Licensing Policy

-       The Government Guidance

-       The operating schedule within the application.


We note that there are no objections from the police.


We consider that the options available to us are:


-       To grant this licence as applied for,

-       To grant with additional conditions, or

-       To reject the application.


The Sub-Committee believes that the revised operating schedule and the additional conditions offered during the mediation process satisfy the licence objectives.


We therefore grant this application for a licence for the premises, known as Anglia Ruskin University, Guild House, Oundle Road, Peterborough, subject to the additional agreed mediated conditions.


Any party in objection to the decision may appeal to the Peterborough Magistrates Court within 21 days of receiving this formal notice at:


Peterborough Court House, Bridge Street, Peterborough, PE1 1ED. Tel No. 0845 3100575. There is a fee to pay.



Councillor Thacker MBE

Sub-Committee Chairman



1. Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence received.


2. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


3. Application


Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation, Guild House, Oundle Road, Peterborough



Application Reference




Sub-Committee Members

Councillor (Chairman) Thacker

Councillor Davidson

Councillor Khan




Terri Martin, Regulatory Officer – Licensing

Colin Miles, Lawyer – Legal Advisor to the Sub-Committee

Pippa Turvey, Senior Democratic Services Officer – Clerk to the Sub-Committee





Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation


Nature of Application

Application for a new premises licence.



  • Sale of alcohol for consumption the premises


Monday to Sunday 11.00 to 23.00


  • Hours premises are open to the public


Monday to Sunday  24 hours




  • Sale of alcohol for consumption for the premises only


Monday to Sunday  11.00 to 23.00


  • Hours premises are open to the public


Monday to Sunday  24 hours



In accordance with the Licensing Act 2003, following the submission of an application for a new premises licence for Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation, Guild House, Oundle Road, Peterborough, which had attracted representations in objection to the application, the Licensing Authority was required to hold a hearing.


A summary of the issues raised by persons objecting to application included:

·         Residents believe that granting an alcohol licence in the residential area and near to schools would lead to street drinking in the area and associated anti-social behaviour.

·         If a licence is granted there would be an increase in alcohol related incidents which the overstretched Police resources would have to deal with.

·         Close proximity to 2 primary schools, a place of worship and in an area of an ‘aged community’.

·         A risk that school children may be witness to or victims of public disorder due to street drinking.

·         An increase in noise related disorder from music being played whilst the licence is in operation which would lead to the demise of local resident’s peace and quiet.

·         An increase in parking issues in the surrounding area.



Licensing Objective(s) under which representations were made

1. The Prevention of Crime and Disorder

2. The Prevention of Public Nuisance

3. The Protection of Children from Harm

4. Public Safety



Parties/Representatives and witnesses present



The Regulatory Officer, who presented the case on behalf of the Licensing Authority.


The Designated Premises Supervisor, Jay Broome, and the Applicant’s Representatives, Robert Jordan.


Councillor Thurlbourn


S Riseley, Gareth Evans, Hazel McCall, and Sandra Fisher.



Pre-hearing considerations and any decisions taken by the Sub-Committee relating to ancillary matters

There were no pre-hearing considerations.



  Oral representations


The Regulatory Officer addressed the Sub-Committee and outlined the main points with regards to the application.  The key points raised in her address included were the representation submitted against the application by 17 local residents. Amended conditions had been included in the report,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.