Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Philippa Turvey, 01733 452460 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Mayor's Announcements |
Political Groups and Group Officers 2017/2018 It is recommended that Council notes the membership of political groups and their officers for 2017 / 2018.
Appointment of Executive and Leader's Scheme of Delegation It is recommended that Council:
(a) Notes that the current Leader of the Council’s term of office is until 2018;
(b) Notes the appointment of the Cabinet and the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet Members and officers; and
(c) Agrees to amend the Constitution to include the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet Members and officers.
Committee Structures It is recommended that Council appoints the Committees listed in the report for the Municipal Year 2017/2018.
Political Balance and Allocation of Committee Seats It is recommended that Council:
(a) Notes the number of seats on committees;
(b) Agrees the allocation of seats on those committees subject to the political balance arrangements; and
(c) Agrees the allocation of seats on those committees not subject to political balance arrangements.
Additional documents: |
Appointments to Committees It is recommended that Council:
(a) Agrees the appointments those Committee where the allocation of the seats has been determined under Agenda Item 8;
(b) Appoints the Chair and Vice-Chair of each of the Council’s Committees;
(c) Confirms the non-elected membership of committees, as described in the report;
(d) Authorises the Monitoring Officer as Proper Officer, in respect of any other appointments to be made, to carry out the wishes of the Leaders of the Political Groups in allocating members to committees, and appoints those Members with effect from the date at which the Proper Officer is advised of the names of such Members. |
Appointments and Nominations to Other Authorities It is recommended that Council make the following appointments or nominations for the municipal year 2017/2018, in line with the political balance:
(a) appoint the Leader of Council to act as the Council's appointee to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and one substitute member;
(b) nominate two members to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and two substitute members from the same political parties as those appointed;
(c) nominate one member to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Audit and Governance Committee and one substitute member from the same political party;
(d) appoint three members to the Police and Crime Panel;
(e) appoint four members to the Fire Authority; and
(f) that the Monitoring Officer as Proper Officer be authorised to make any amendments to the appointments and nominations in consultation with the Political Group Leaders, if the political balance is amended by the Combined Authority, Police and Crime Panel, or Fire Authority between now and the next Council meeting.
Additional documents: |
Calendar of Meetings It is recommended that Council:
1) Approves the Calendar of Meetings for 2017 / 2018; and
2) Approves in principle the draft Calendar of Meetings to 2018 / 2019. Additional documents: |