Agenda and minutes

Parish Council Liaison Meeting - Wednesday 18th April, 2007 6.00 pm

Contact: Martin Whelan 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Alan Tresadern (Thornhaugh Parish Council); Hurbert Warren (Wittering Parish Council/ Thornhaugh Parish Council); Dick Talbot (Maxey Parish Council); Conrad Evans (Thorney  Parish Councils); Cllr Goldspink; Cllr Goodwin and Cllr Winslade.


Minutes of the meeting held 17 January 2007


The minutes of the meeting held 17 January 2007 were approved as an accurate record, with the addition of Mike Chambers (Orton Waterville Parish Council) to the attendees list.


3. Matters Arising – Martin Whelan provided an update on the outstanding actions listed in the minutes.


4.a Budget – Henry Clark questioned the accuracy of the comment indicating the cessation of the Community Leadership Fund (CLF). Cllr Holdich confirmed that whilst the statement was correct in January, the budget had subsequently been amended and CLF would continue for 2007/08.


5a. Staff Structure – Gillian Beasley agreed to ensure that the information was migrated to the website for Parish Councils to use.


6. Any other business – Helen Edward advised that following consultation with the Standards Committee, the Conference had been deferred until the end of September/October. Anyone interested was advised to contact Sally Crawford ( It was agreed that in the light of changes to the Code of Conduct this would be the most appropriate course of action.



Implications of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill - Presentation


Helen Edwards introduced this report, and outlined the key elements of the bill.


Richard Clarke questioned how Peterborough City Council could scrutinise the decisions of much larger entities such as the Environment Agency. Helen Edwards acknowledged the challenges, but advised that the mechanisms were still being developed. Clarification was sought on the proposed role of Local Ward Councillor Committees. Helen Edwards agreed to investigate.


John Harrison introduced a brief introduction to the key points of the Lyons Review. Keith Barrand sought clarification as to whether any further developments were expected. John Harrison advised that only development likely in the medium/long term was the introduction of charging for domestic waste disposal. Cllr Holdich welcomed proposed alteration to the £50k capital limit, however questioned whether it could be applied to other service areas such as Adult Social Care. John Harrison advised that it would be considered, however any changes would need to be funded by the local tax payers so needed to be carefully considered before implementation.



Housing Strategy Presentation


Rosemary Woodland introduced the report. Parish Councils were assured that any information supplied would be treated on a strictly confidential basis.


The contradiction of increased house building contributing to the green house effect, due to the significant amount of CO2 generated was highlighted.


Clarification was sought as to how localised the final strategy would be. Rosemary Woodland confirmed that the intention was to develop a strategy aligned to the five Neighbourhood Investment Programme areas. Cllr Holdich confirmed that a separate Rural Housing Strategy would be required, which could address the issue in each community in detail.


Ian Glew suggested that housing issues can not be detached from the transport provision. Cllr Holdich highlighted a recent survey undertaken in Glinton, which highlighted the challenges of providing a public transport system to suit all the need and wishes of the community.


Syd Smith sought clarification on the definition of “affordable”, and what mechanisms exist to ensure that properties affordable. Cllr Holdich confirmed that the government defined “affordable” as anything that the market does not provide. In response to the second point Cllr Holdich advised that the only way to ensure that properties remained affordable was to work with a Rural Housing Trust.


Rosemary Woodland confirmed that the strategy took into the account the high value of property, precluding locals from buying properties. Dale MacKean questioned how Parish Boundaries could be protected. Cllr Holdich outlined the limited circumstances in which developers are allowed to develop outside of the village envelop.


Concern was expressed about the nature of the information being requested. Cllr Holdich confirmed that it was a survey used across the UK, and urged people to fill as much as they felt comfortable with.


Mike Chambers questioned whether the strategy would tackle the construction methods. Cllr Holdich advised that housing associations were increasingly using the latest construction methods, however further education of main stream developers was required.



"An Inconvenient Truth for Peterborough" - Presentation


Graeme Law introduced the DVD, and encouraged Parish Councils to show the video within their Parishes.


The DVD was welcomed, however concern was expressed about the apparent mixed message contained within the DVD, such as the promotion of green fuels which contribute green house gases.



Standards Committee Dispensations


Lyn Meadows introduced the report, and outlined the circumstances in which a dispensation would be appropriate. Concern was raised about the perceived unwillingness of the planning department to extend deadlines when Parish Councils had requested them. Lyn Meadows agreed to investigate.


Keith Barrand expressed surprise about the mechanism used to apply for dispensation, and questioned how effectively it could be monitored. It was agreed that dispensations were only likely to be granted in small Parish Councils.


Clarification on the role of the Parish Representative on the Standards Committee was sought, due to the Parish Council representative being excluded from voting at a recent meeting whilst considering Parish Council issues. Parish Councils were advised that this was due to the way that the Sub Committees system was created, and was currently being reviewed.


Parish Councils Online


Martin Whelan introduced the report, and advised that consultation was ongoing with PALC. It was confirmed that the Parish Council Involve project had ended.


It was questioned whether there were any templates or minimum standards for Parish Council website. Keith Barrand confirmed that beyond the standard legal obligations, there were no minimum standards.


Electoral Registration


Lyn Meadows introduced the report. Clarification was sought as to whether migrant worker were eligible to vote, and therefore eligible for Jury Service. Lyn Meadow outlined the circumstances in which migrant worker are eligible to vote.


Dale MacKean questioned whether figures existed on the levels of non registration on a ward by ward basis. Lyn Meadows advised that the Elections Team may be able to supply that information.


Syd Smith sought clarification on the legislation related to eligibility to vote. Lyn Meadows confirmed that whilst individuals are eligible to stand for election based on a business address, there is no a longer an option to vote on the basis of a business address. It was also confirmed that in the event of an individual having two personal addresses, they are only eligible to vote in one place.  


Provision of refuse skips in Parishes


Paul Pace outlined the rationale for removing community skips. The presentation also outlined the mechanisms for removing additional domestic waste; recycling initiatives and developments at the Household Recycling Centre in Dogsthorpe.


The logic of removing the skips whilst continuing to allow bottle banks was questioned. Keith Barrand raised the possibility of CALC working with PCC to maximise the opportunities for Parishes to share skips.


The layout of the HRC was criticised as not being user friendly, and a number of suggestions were made to improve the layout. Paul Pace highlighted the challenges of having just one main site. A number of recent changes were outlined.


David Wragg sought clarification on when it would be possible to recycle all plastic types. Paul Pace confirmed that whilst it was possible, it is not particularly user friendly. The meeting was advised that the “Materials Recycling Facility” would be upgraded later in the year, which will allow glass and additional plastic recycling.


Mike Chambers questioned whether it was currently possible to recycle batteries. Paul Pace advised that trials were ongoing with retailers offering collection services. He also highlighted the high cost of kerbside collection. A number of potential solutions including utilising the WEEE site were highlighted.


Dale MacKean raised an issue with a number of broken or missing bins within the Eye Parish. Paul Pace agreed to contact City Services. Dale MacKean also queried why glass was no longer separated into the three colours, and questioned whether it was true that glass was being used as part of the road building process. Paul Pace advised that the technology was now available to sort glass on the basis of colour, so it was no longer required to separate them. He also confirmed that for a trial period due to a dip in the market for recycled glass, glass had been used as part of the tarmac process but that this had ceased in December 2006.


In response to a question Paul Pace confirmed that the nearest asbestos site was Thornhaugh. The meeting was informed that PCC offered a collection service which members of the public were encouraged to used.


Forward Look


Cllr Holdich introduced the item and invited Parish Councils to suggest items for forthcoming liaison meetings. It was agreed that Opportunity Peterborough should be invited to give a presentation at a future meeting, to outline their plans. Martin Whelan agreed to organise. It was also agreed that this would be a wider forum with an open invite to all Parish Councillors.


Keith Barrand informed the meeting that Wansford Parish Council had been awarded Quality Parish Council status with effect from 13 April. It was agreed that an item on Quality Parish Council status would be useful.




Meeting closed at 8.03pm


Date of Next Meeting


18 July - To be confirmed