Agenda and minutes

Parish Council Liaison Meeting - Wednesday 15th April, 2009 6.30 pm

Venue: Bourges/Viersen Room - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Martin Whelan 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Freida Gosling (Ufford Parish Council) and Marion Browne (Ufford Parish Council)


Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2009 pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The minutes of the meeting held 28th January 2009 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


Growth Update


Shahin Ismail (Head of Delivery) provided an overview of her new role and its relationship with the growth agenda. The overview also covered new project procurement and finance arrangement which were being pioneered in the city. A brief summary of a few key projects was provided including the Great Northern Hotel and Carbon Challenge.


The following questions were asked


  1. Does the recent speculation on the potential sale of the Queensgate Centre, and the suggested diversification of the uses for the proposed North West Gate indicate a reduced reliance on retail, and whether it would weaken the aspiration to be a regional shopping destination – In response officers confirmed that discussions were ongoing with the developer of North West Gate, and whilst there would diversification retail would continue to be the primary attraction.
  2. Was it the intention to retain the Great Northern Hotel as a hotel? In response officers confirmed that it was a key strategic site, and that the decision was to retain the hotel as a going concern. The decision did not however preclude a future change of use, however if the Council bid had been successful it would have been in a position to influence that future use.
  3. Is there anything in the plan that will frighten villages or rural communities? In response the Chairman and officers confirmed that there are no proposals which will frighten rural communities. Councillors were encouraged to engage with the site specific allocation process.
  4. Would the additional investment be solely focused on the urban area? In response officers clarified the funding arrangements, and confirmed that the purpose of the process is to develop innovative approaches to attract financial investment from the private sector, and would not become a major drain on limited public resources.
  5. Will the neighbourhood investment process be continued? It was agreed to defer the discussion until later in the agenda.
  6. Will there be any change to the housing density aspirations in the urban area? Officers provided an update on progress against the Regional Spatial Strategy housing targets. It was confirmed that it was not intended to update the housing densities, and that planning policy was being developed to support the rural aspirations. Shahin Ismail agreed to provide an update.






  1. Martin Whelan provided an update on the implementation of EDRMS in relation to supporting the planning application process. It was agreed that an update would be supplied to all Clerks.
  2. Adrian Chapman sought the views of Parish Councillors on a future item about neighbourhood management. The presentations/interaction were proposed to cover
    1. Future of Neighbourhood Investment and the transition to Neighbourhood Management

                                                              i.      Governance of Neighbourhood Management

                                                            ii.      Future Interventions

  1. Housing Services
  2. Community Safety

Members welcomed the presentation and requested a workshop style approach. Martin Whelan to liaise with Adrian Chapman regarding scheduling the items split over two meetings.


A representative of Glinton Parish Council questioned whether the Peterborough model was based on other authorities. It was noted that the authority had undertaken substantial research into the best practice for this area of work.




Parish Question Time


Bainton and Ashton Parish Council sought clarification on the expectations in relation to responses to correspondence, and whether there had been any change to the policy. Helen Edwards confirmed the customer service standards had not changed, and Parish Councillors were provided with advice in relation to expediting timely responses.


Barnack Parish Council questioned why the City Council had not signed up to the Sustainable Communities Act. It was confirmed that the authority did intend to sign up, and make proposals in the second tranche of applications. It was agreed if possible to circulate a briefing note to all Parish Councillors.


Parish Council Liaison Work Programme


It was agreed to timetable the following items for 2009/10


  1. Highways Update
  2. Neighbourhood Management (split over two meetings)


Bainton and Ashton Parish Council suggested whether it would be possible to have an open day with city councillors. Cllr Murphy suggested it would be possible to invite Parish Councillors to attend Full Council and the buffet afterwards. Cllr Murphy agreed to make the suggestion to the incoming mayor.


The representative of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Association of Local Councils asked regarding the policy of the authority towards neighbourhood councils Cllr Murphy confirmed that the Hampton submission was in the process of being reviewed, and that similar support would be offered to groups.


Members welcomed the ongoing invitations to All Party Policy, and it was agreed that it was a very useful meeting to attend.