Agenda and minutes

Planning and Environmental Protection Committee - Tuesday 1st September, 2009 1.30 pm

Venue: Bourges/Viersen Room - Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Martin Whelan, 01733 452323 

No. Item


Any information received after the agenda has been published, relevant to the applications on the agenda to be considered by the Committee will be published here.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr M Burton (Cllr C Day substitute) and Cllr C Burton.


Minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2009 pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The minutes of the meeting held 7th July 2009 were approved as a true and accurate record.


Members' Declaration of intention to make representations as Ward Councillor


Declarations of Interest


Cllr Winslade declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 5.5 as she had previously given a view on the application and withdrew for the item.


Cllr Thacker declared that she has been approached on two occasions regarding item 5.2, but had not expressed a view on the issue and that this would not affect her decision.



Development Control and Enforcement Matters


09/00464/REM - Land To The West Off Uffington Road Barnack Stamford pdf icon PDF 586 KB

Residential development consisting of 41 dwellings with associated roads and sewers


The committee received an application seeking Reserved Matters approval for the erection of 41 dwellings, including 12 affordable dwellings.  Access to the site was approved under the outline application (06/01275/R4OUT) with all detailed matters including siting, design, external appearance and landscaping reserved. The properties are primarily two storey in height (max 8.5m to ridge), with 8 properties two and a half storey (9.1m to ridge), detached and linked detached and comprise 10 x 2-bed, 5 x 3-bed, 17 x 4-bed and 9 x 5-bed dwellings.    The proposal included a comprehensive landscaping scheme including a Wildlife Corridor to the north, west and southern boundaries of the site.


The committee received representations from the Parish Council and the agent. The Parish Council raised concerns in relation to the number of five bedroom houses; projected traffic levels and a number of detail issues regarding the design of gates and the siting of trees.


Resolved (9 for, 0 against and 0 abstention) : To approve the application subject to the imposition of the conditions outlined in the report, updated report and the revised condition in relation to reptile mitigation which was verbally presented to the committee.


Reason :  This is a Brownfield Site within a sustainable location which can adequately accommodate the development of 41 dwellings without compromising the surrounding character or residential amenity of the occupiers of surrounding properties.  The height, design and scale of development will complement this part of Uffington Road and enhance the character of the Conservation Area. 


The information provided to Members in an update report to Committee.  On the basis that the Wildlife issues are resolved and subject to the imposition of the attached conditions, the proposal is acceptable having been assessed in the light of all material considerations, including weighing against relevant policies of the development plan and specifically:


-          the development will enhance the character and appearance to the northern entrance to the village, will reinforce a sense of place and will respect nearby development and longer views into the village

-          the proposal makes efficient and effective use of a Brownfield site without harming the character of the surrounding area or neighbouring residential amenity

-          the proposal will enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area

-          the design and proposed materials will reflect and make reference to architectural features found on properties within the village

-          the development makes adequate provision for the residential amenity of the future occupiers of the properties

-          the proposal provides adequate parking provision for the occupiers of the dwellings and visitors and will not result in any adverse highway implications.


Hence the proposal accords with policies CBE3, DA1, DA2, H10, H15, H16, H20, H21, H23, LNE6, LNE9, LNE10, T1 and T10 of the Adopted Peterborough Local Plan (First Replacement).




09/00629/FUL - Norwood Primary School Gunthorpe Road Gunthorpe Peterborough pdf icon PDF 978 KB

Provision of 2m high Betafence green powder coated Securifor 2D fence and matching gates to playing field


The committee resolved to allow a late speaker to address the committee.


The committee received an application seeking permission to erect a 2.0 metre Nylofor 2D security fence around the school playing field area of Norwood School. The fence would be set back 6.0 metres from the edge of the pathway adjacent to Elter Walk, to the North West along the line of the existing fence that divides the school playing field and the community field and directly adjacent to the rear boundaries of the properties along Keswick Close.


The committee received representations from the Ward Councillor and two residents speaking in objection to the application. The three speakers raised issues about loss of amenity; potential for increased anti-social behaviour and questioning the need for the fence.


Resolved (8 for, 1 against, 0 abstentions) – To reject the application contrary to officer recommendations


Reason :The application was contrary to planning policy DA2 (Loss of Amenity to Residents).




09/00708/FUL - Great Northern Railway Hotel Station Road Peterborough PE1 1QL. pdf icon PDF 717 KB

Construction of car park associated with Hotel.


The application sought retrospective planning permission for the creation of 30 additional car parking spaces on the site to be used for hotel and rail users.  The car parking area was formerly part of the garden area of the hotel.    


The committee received representations from the agent, who outlined the main aspects of the scheme.


Resolved : (8 for, 1 against and 0 abstentions) – To approve the application subject to the conditions outlined in the committee report.


Reason : Subject to the imposition of the attached conditions, the proposal is acceptable having been assessed in the light of all material considerations, including weighting against relevant policies of the development plan and specifically:

a)     The proposal is acceptable and would not be contrary to any land allocations in the Adopted Peterborough Local Plan (First Replacement) 2005.

b)     Subject to the implementation of an agreed Travel Plan (to be secured through condition) involving the promotion of cycle and bus travel, this proposal for car parking provision above the maximum number of spaces normally permitted via Local Plan Policy, will mitigate pressures on the local road network without significant discouragement of other modes of travel. The car parking will also be a shared facility for use of rail users as well as hotel patrons. The development thereby accords with policies CC15 and T1 of the Adopted Peterborough Local Plan (First Replacement) 2005.

c)      The proposal would not have any significant adverse impact upon highway safety and convenience. The development thereby accords with policies T1 of the Adopted Peterborough Local Plan (First Replacement) 2005.

 d)   a comprehensive landscape scheme and replacement planting would be an acceptable mitigation measure against the regrettable damage caused to existing landscaping.  On this basis the proposal is considered to be in accordance with LNE9 of the Local Plan (First Replacement) 2005.       



09/00762/FUL - Tower House 333 Thorpe Road Peterborough PE3 6LU. pdf icon PDF 648 KB

Formation of dormer windows in billiard block


The committee received an application seeking permission to insert two dormer windows on the north elevation of the existing outbuilding, and one on the south elevation.  Those to the north would be “blind” dormers, with permanently closed shutters, to provide additional headroom and that on the south would be obscure glazed.


Resolved (9 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions) – To approve the application subject to the conditions outlined in the committee report.


Reason : Subject to the imposition of the attached conditions, the proposal is acceptable having been assessed in the light of all material considerations, including weighting against relevant policies of the development plan and specifically:


-          the proposed works will have no adverse impact upon the fabric, character or setting of the building Listed as being of architectural or historic interest.  There will be no detrimental impact on the amenities of occupiers of neighbouring dwellings.  The proposal is therefore in accordance with Saved Policies DA2 and CBE6 of the Peterborough Local Plan 2005 (First Replacement).



09/00789/WCPP - Huntley Lodge The Village Orton Longueville Peterborough. pdf icon PDF 449 KB

Removal of Condition 8 (Ridge height) of Planning Permission Ref. 03/01174/R4OUT to remove ridge height restriction on plots 1-5


The application sought permission to remove the Condition restricting ridge height imposed when permission was granted in 2003. 


Resolved (9 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions) : To approve the removal of the condition restricting ridge height, subject to the imposition of the conditions outlined in the committee report and the conditions attached to the original application.


Reason : Allowing a variation in the height restriction of the proposed new dwellings will enable good sympathetic design in keeping with the character of the area and appropriate to the setting of the Listed Orton Hall.  This proposal to vary the Condition is therefore in accordance with Saved Policies of the Peterborough Local Plan 2005 (First Replacement).



Buildings of Local Importance - Designation Criteria pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The committee received a report regarding the Designation Criteria for Buildings of Local Importance.


The committee supported the criteria outlined at appendix 1 as amplification of Policy CBE11 (Buildings of Local Importance) of the Peterborough Local Plan (First Replacement) 2005 subject to the following comments.


  • The need to recognise buildings which have received national awards. It was agreed in principle to recommend additional criteria to cover the small number of buildings in this category.
  • Difficulties in defining objectively certain criteria.
  • A small number of buildings were recommended to the officers for possible inclusion.