6 Savings and Investment: Children's Social Care - Revised Summary* PDF 164 KB
Cabinet received a report which provided details of the actions recommended to be agreed in order to address the findings of the Ofsted inspection of Children’s Social Care which had been undertaken in 2015.
The purpose of the report was to outline a Transformation Plan for Children’s Social care for agreement in order to improve practice and outcomes.
The Corporate Director People and Communities introduced the report highlighting the main points contained within. A self-assessment had identified that the turnover of key staff within Children’s Social Care, in the 12 months prior to the Ofsted inspection in April 2015, had been too great, this having a negative impact on children, young people and their families. Ofsted had agreed with this and had recommended that steps should be taken to improve the recruitment and retention of permanent qualified social workers.
Cabinet debated the report and in summary, key points raised and responses to questions included:
· It was commented that it was difficult for Peterborough to recruit and retain experienced social workers because agency’s offered higher wages than the Council and Peterborough provided a more challenging working environment for social workers in comparison to other areas;
· The figure stated within the report of hiring 25 qualified social workers in 2016/17 was an estimated amount and it was hoped that a lower amount would be employed in reality;
· The majority of alternatively qualified workers were settling into their roles well;
· It was not one of the aims of the programme for the alternatively qualified workers to become traditionally qualified social workers but if they wished to, the Council would help them to achieve this;
· Ofsted had specifically recommended that the Council develop a Neglect Strategy because there was evidence of a relatively high level of neglect in Peterborough. This would be implemented in partnership with the Safeguarding Children Board;
· The costs of the recruitment payment scheme had been determined by consulting with other local authorities and by focusing on high levels of retention in the second year of employment for newly qualified social workers;
· The Corporate Director People and Communities was due to chair a workshop focussing on how Peterborough could be sold more positively in terms of recruitment retention aimed at social workers, GPs and teachers; and
· Discussions were due to be undertaken with Cross Keys Homes concerning key worker housing.
Cabinet considered the report, and taking into account the financial implications arising, RESOLVED to agree the Transformation Plan for Children’s Social Care in order to improve practice and outcomes.
To improve practice and outcomes and respond to Ofsted findings in Children’s Social care and to reduce spend on agency social workers.
The only alternative option considered was to do nothing and this would see the continuation of the areas Ofsted had noted for improvement not being addressed and outcomes for children not being improved. It would also see a continued increase in spend of agency social workers.