10 Cabinet Recommendation - Fourth Local Transport Plan PDF 44 KB
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7 Review of the Fourth Local Transport Plan PDF 95 KB
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Cabinet received a report which was submitted following the Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital Scrutiny Committee, held on 6 January 2016, and as part of the democratic process leading to the proposed adoption of the fourth Local Transport Plan (2016-2021), including the review of the Long Term Transport Strategy (2011-2026) at Full Council in January 2016.
The purpose of the report was for Cabinet to consider the fourth Local Transport Plan (2016-2021), including the review of the Long Term Transport Strategy (2011-2026), and to make any recommendations for changes where appropriate and to consider recommendations arising from the Sustainable Growth and Environment Capital Scrutiny Committee, these being:
i. Air quality is monitored in the fourth Local Transport Plan in a manner that is easy to understand and would allow Peterborough to be compared to other cities; and
ii. The long term aspiration to support the addition of further stations along the Stamford and Spalding train lines be included within the Fourth Local Transport Plan and the Council will pursue these aspirations with the relevant rail authorities.
The report further requested that Cabinet recommend that Full Council consider and adopt the Local Transport Plan 2016 to 2021 (LTP4) including the Long Term Transport Strategy 2011 to 2026 (LTTS).
The Cabinet Member for Growth, Planning, Housing and Economic Development introduced the report highlighting the main points contained within. The Plan was produced every five years and set out how existing and future transport issues would be tackled. The Plan would continue to support the city’s growth agenda, it was deliverable, and it set out what the Council could realistically achieve given its finances. The Plan would also help to bring in more grant funding from the Local Enterprise Partnership and the Government in future.
Following additional comments from the Council’s Head of Peterborough Highway Services, the Principal Transport Planning Officer and the Principal Passenger Transport Contracts and Planning Officer, Cabinet debated the report and in summary, key points raised and responses to questions included:
· Throughout the Plan there were many policies and information which supported walking and cycling, both via infrastructure improvements and ‘Smarter Choices’ which actively encouraged people to walk and cycle;
· Work was undertaken with all schools across the city in relation to road safety, with a range of safety measures being offered to each school. Work was also undertaken with parents and pupils to encourage safe walking and cycling. Capital money was spent on a yearly basis to make school journeys safer;
· Motorcyclists were key and vulnerable road users and there was a dedicated policy contained within the Plan which focused on this group;
· Armadillos, a form of speed hump, had been put in place elsewhere in the country, but the Council was still under deliberation as to whether they would be suitable for the city of Peterborough. The Council was aware of the concerns raised by motorcycle groups and the issue was under consideration;
· Motorcycles being permitted to utilise bus lanes would be taken on board as a ... view the full minutes text for item 7
4 Review Of The Fourth Local Transport Plan PDF 82 KB
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