5 Future of Wind and Solar Projects PDF 128 KB
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Cabinet received a report which followed an internal review by officers and consideration by the Cabinet Member.
The purpose of the report was to consider the way forward in respect of the two wind and three ground mounted solar PV projects namely:
· Farms of Newborough (wind and solar)
· Morris Fen (wind and solar)
· America Farm (solar only)
In October 2014, it had been stated that Cabinet would receive a report highlighting that the plans for wind and solar schemes at Newborough Farm, and Morris Fen in Thorney, were to be ceased and final evaluations were taking place to determine whether the third scheme at America Farm should progress.
As Chairman, Councillor Hiller addressed the meeting and proposed that no further action be taken in respect of America Farm due to the insufficient information available at the current stage. This was seconded by Councillor Seaton.
Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:
1. To approve the cessation of the solar/wind projects at the farms of Newborough and Morris Fen and that the two planning applications be withdrawn; 2. That in respect of America Farm, no further action is to be taken due to the insufficient information available at this stage; 3. That in line with the Council’s budget strategy, all cost be written off on the basis of a worst case scenario that the remaining scheme does not proceed. |
That the Farms of Newborough and Morris Fen schemes be ceased as a result of local opposition, planning and financial considerations.
That no further action be taken on the America Farm Solar Scheme due to the insufficient information available at the current stage.
That the Farms of Newborough and Morris Fen solar and wind schemes be progressed. This was not deemed to be feasible due to the implications identified within the report. It was also not feasible to consider a reduced scheme in these locations for wind and/or solar for the same reasons.
That the America Farm solar scheme should not progress further and not be subject to final evaluation. However, the scheme was a potentially viable one and at the current stage further evaluation regarding the grid connection and associated costs needed to be conducted before any final decision should be made.