Issue - meetings

Transforming Day Opportunities for Adults Under 65 - KEY/21MAR/05

Meeting: 24/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Transforming Day Opportunities for Adults Under 65 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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Cabinet received a report which detailed feedback from an eight week consultation on the proposals for the modernisation of day services for adults under 65 and sought approval for the proposals for development of the future model, as detailed within the Cabinet report.


Councillor Fitzgerald introduced the item and stated that the next step would be to engage with providers and users in order to develop the right model for Peterborough. Inevitably there would be a number of changes, including a lesser number of day centres and it was believed that the best outcome for a large number of people would be to keep them in independent living and employment, however those with severe and complex needs would have no changes, bar improvements to their surroundings etc. All would be treated as individuals in terms of their personal assessments and a care package would be put in place to ensure all of their needs were addressed and assessed.


Members commented that the key concern for many individuals was ‘change’ and the uncertainty as to how long the redevelopment would take. In response, Councillor Fitzgerald stated that no set timescales could be given, however a provisional timescale was for between 12 to 18 months. It was to be noted that there would be no changes until the new model was implemented and suitable alternatives were put in place for individuals to access.


All individuals would have the option to input into the proposed model consultations, and those models would be put into place arising from peoples personal support needs.


Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED:


1.      To receive the feedback form the 8 week consultation on the proposals for the modernisation of day services for adults under 65;


2.      To note the closure of the Gloucester Centre and alternative arrangements made for existing service users


3.      To approve the proposals for development of the future model in section 4 of the report and that a report be presented to Cabinet to determine the final form of delivery model and to accordingly authorise procurement and other actions


4.      To note that this will include some decommissioning of existing day facilities once the new model has been determined




To invest more in Reablement and Transitional Support in order to help people gain employment and skills for living.


To redesign how the current day services operated and to reinvest in support that prevented people from needing long term support from Adult Social Care and helped them to maintain their independence in the community.


To redesign how people’s future opportunities were governed and managed.




Maintain Current Services


This would minimise disruption to current users but it did not do enough to maximise people’s independence, choice and control. It was costly and inefficient, it did not meet national guidance and fostered a dependency culture therefore doing nothing to change could not be an option.


Decommission in-house services and give all current services users a personal budget


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