8 Local Transport Plan Programme of Works 2014/15 PDF 63 KB
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The report was presented by the Transport and Infrastructure Planning Manager and provided members with information regarding the Local Transport Plan Programme of Works 2014/15 to the Committee before submission to the Cabinet Member for Growth, Strategic Planning, Housing, Economic Development and Business Engagement for approval. Members were informed that the budget had not yet been allocated and the programme of works was based on an indicative figure.
Questions and observations were made around the following areas:
· Members commented on street light maintenance and stated that there did not seem to be a criteria for replacement of the columns or the light. Newer parts of the city appeared to have had the street lighting replaced before older parts of the city. Members were advised that there was a methodology used to assess if a replacement was needed. There was an asset data base and a survey was conducted with regard to structural and electrical testing of the lighting. Cast iron columns were particularly hazardous and were prioritised for replacement. Replacement was not based on particular wards but on assessment and budgetary constraints as to what could be done in a financial year.
· Members asked what the process was for deciding that one particular development or replacement was dealt with first as opposed to another. The Transport and Infrastructure Planning Manager stated that he would circulate the methodology to the committee. Prioritisation of expenditure was dependent on two factors which were the condition of the street lighting and safety.
· Members referred to Annex 1, Page 51 of the report listing the Integrated Transport Programme 2014/2015 and asked what the St. John’s scheme was. Members were advised that St. John’s Street was being remodelled to improve footpaths and provide better areas for cyclists to use rather than through the city centre as it was a key corridor into the city.
· Members referred to page 51 and the section on Safer Roads and asked if the £250,000 allocated to Staniland Way was for Staniland Way junction with David’s Lane. Members were advised that it was allocated for this junction.
· Members asked if there was any available information yet regarding performance of the new bus service. Members were informed that in terms of bus performance it had improved and there have been less complaints than previously. Feedback from the new bus service had been very positive. A full report would be provided after the service had been in place in twelve months’ time.
· Members expressed concern at the condition of rural roads in the city and stated that they were dangerous to travel on and not enough attention had been paid to preventative measures. The Director of Growth and Regeneration responded that this was in fact a national problem. He stated that the Council with Cambridgeshire and Norfolk had applied for Government funding to address drought damage on rural roads but were unsuccessful, however there was money set aside in the Council’s budget to address drought damage. The roads were being monitored.
· Members stated ... view the full minutes text for item 8