Decision details

Award of Contract for the Extension of Discovery Primary School - SEPT14/CMDN/84

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education Skills and University

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member, in consultation with Cllr Seaton, Cabinet Member for Resources, the  Executive Director of  Resources and Head of Legal Services:


Authorised the construction of an extension to accommodate the expansion of Discovery Primary School which will also include funding for Information and Communications Technology (ICT), all site surveys and project management and technical advisers fees, subject to consent being obtained pursuant to S77 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1988.


Authorised the Executive Director of Resources to award the construction contract within the approved budget to the contractor representing the best value for money following a tender process.


Reasons for the decision:

The Local Authority has a statutory duty to provide school places.  There are significant pressures across the city, currently these pressures are particularly severe for the younger age groups and will increase year on year as pupils move through the education system.


The first phase of the extension at Discovery was completed in 2012.  This included provision of two new reception classrooms, covering the central courtyard with a glass roof to create an atrium, extensive remodelling of existing rooms, including the offices and staffroom and a new biomass boiler.  These works provided sufficient capacity to expand Key Stage 1 to three forms of entry and completed the process of bringing together the former Walton Infant and Junior Schools that became Discovery Primary School in September 2007.


Discovery is a popular and successful school and was rated as good at the most recent Ofsted inspection in March 2014.  It currently has an admission number of 90 but can accommodate only 540 pupils.  Cohorts of 90 have been admitted since September 2011.  The proposed works will enable these larger cohorts to progress through the school into Key Stage 2.


Demographic forecasts show that Discovery is likely to fill to its increased capacity.  There is increasing pressure on school places across the city from the rising birth rate, families moving into existing housing and new builds.  Sites for 177 dwellings have been identified in the Discovery catchment area.


Alternative options considered:

The following options were considered and rejected:


Not to carry out the works.  This option was rejected because the pupils who will require the additional classrooms are already in school in Key Stage 1. 


To expand another primary school in the area. This option was rejected for the same reason as the additional capacity needs to be at the school the pupils are already attending.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

School Organisation Plan 2013-2017.


Publication date: 24/09/2014

Date of decision: 24/09/2014

Effective from: 30/09/2014

Accompanying Documents: