Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Cabinet received a report as part of the Council’s agreed process within the Annual Budget Framework that required Cabinet to consider the Council’s budget and financial strategy and to set provisional cash limits for the forthcoming year.
The purpose of the report was to:
· update Members on the likely financial situation of the Council, both within the current and future financial years;
· to outline national issues which would need consideration within the medium term financial strategy for 2015/16 onwards, including funding consultations; and
· to outline the approach to the budget process and budget consultation.
Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED:
1. To note the financial pressures in the current financial year, the continuing work by CMT to deliver a balanced budget, and that the financial pressures widen the budget gap in 2015/16;
2. To note that the current local government funding consultation and continued uncertainty on future years’ government funding for local authorities increases the uncertainty of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy; and
3. to approve the approach proposed for the budget process, including provisional resource cash limits, and that Cabinet will agree the approach to consultation with the cross party Budget Working Group, exploring the options to commence consultation at the earliest opportunity.
The Constitution requires Cabinet to outline its approach to developing the MTFS. This process helps to ensure that the Council achieves a balanced budget, aligned to corporate priorities.
An alternative option would be to do nothing. This was rejected because the constitution requires the council to outline the approach to next year’s budget setting by the end of preceding month of September. The current MTFS for 2015/16 estimated a budget gap of £17.6m, as outlined earlier in the report, the council must set a balanced budget.
Council Constitution - Part 3, Section 3 – Executive Functions – Executive Delegations
Council Constitution - Part 4, Section 6 - Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules
Local government finance settlement 2015 to 2016: technical consultation – website link:
Publication date: 22/09/2014
Date of decision: 22/09/2014