Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The CMDN contains an exempt annex which is NOT FOR PUBLICATION in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 in that it contains information relating to financial and business affairs namely, details of the tender sums submitted.
The public interest test has been applied to the information that is contained in the Exempt Annex to this Decision Notice as the information contained within is commercially sensitive. The Council is retaining this information as exempt because it could impact on its ability to achieve value for money from future procurement exercises. It could also have a negative impact on the unsuccessful bidders market position and reputation.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care approved the award of a 5 year contract with the option to extend for 2 years for an Integrated Community Equipment Service contract to Nottingham Rehab Supplies Healthcare at a total possible cost of £7,000,000 (£5,000,000 for the initial contract, £2,000,000 for the extension).
The present contract to provide the Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) was commissioned by Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) and Greater Peterborough Primary Care Trust (this organisation then went on to become NHS Peterborough) to be provided by NRS. The service contract has operated since 1 April 2007 and was due to end on 31 March 2012 with an option to extend for up to two years. The option to extend the contract was exercised and the contract will now end on 31 March 2014 unless an early start date for the new contract is agreed and approved. The contract was novated to Peterborough City Council (PCC) as part of the transfer of Adult Social Care from NHS Peterborough in March 2012.
Both Councils have separate contract arrangements with NRS and separate pooled budgets with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) but work jointly with NRS to deliver a single service covering Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
With the contract due to end on 31 March 2014 both commissioning Councils and the CCG agreed to work jointly on tendering for a Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Community Equipment Service. Cambridgeshire County Council engaged LGSS (a shared service venture) to provide technical procurement support and to manage the tender process, this support was made available to all partners involved in the tender.
An open tender procedure was carried out to select a potential provider, this process was advertised through the OJEU and was compliant with national and European Union legislation and complies with the Council’s Contract Regulations. Advice and support was sought from the Serco Adult Social Care Contracts and Procurement Team to ensure that the process complied with the Council’s requirements and was deemed effective in terms of delivering the Council’s required outcomes.
The service specification and tender documentation for the procurement exercise was developed jointly by Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council and the CCG to ensure the service meets the requirements of all partners.
Evaluation of all submissions was carried out using advertised criteria with a 50:50 weighting for quality and price, details can be found in the Exempt Annex to this report. A panel evaluated and moderated all tender submissions. Evaluation panel membership was as follows:
Name |
Position |
Jeandre Hunter |
LGSS Procurement (Moderator) |
Cathy Mitchell |
Chief Officer, CCG. (Health Lead for ICES) |
Diana Mackay |
Commissioning Manager, Adult Social Care, CCC |
John Giffney |
Interim Commissioning Manager, Adult Social Care, PCC |
Ken Fairbairn |
Head of Procurement, Adult Social Care, CCC |
Jane Scott |
OT Team Manager, PCC |
Chris Young |
Health & Safety, CCC |
Lynn Rodriguez |
Infection Control, CCG |
Richard Hall |
IT Applications Manager, CCC |
Amanda Holloway |
Information Governance, CCG |
Bridget Gaynord |
Clinical Advisor to ICES for Cambs |
Diane Clements |
Clinical Advisor to ICES for Peterborough |
Claire Sharp |
Therapy Lead for Children’s Services, CCS |
Additional support was provided from finance colleagues from CCC, PCC and CCG in relation to financial analysis of the bids.
Five high quality proposals were received in response to the Invitation to Tender, a summary of the evaluation results can be found in the Exempt Annex to this report.
It is important that the ICES contract is strategically aligned with the personalisation agenda. At the same time it is important to retain links to other strategies particularly in relation to reablement and supporting people to remain in their own homes, as well as to consider the continuing potential for investment in equipment including assistive technology to reduce the cost of traditional care services provision.
The new contract, whilst similar in many ways to the current arrangement, will have some additional features based on the new Service Specification. These include:
· The service operating over six days (Monday to Saturday) and extended hours (8am to 6pm)
· A streamlining of the delivery and collection time frames so that there are just two – next-day delivery or 5 day delivery
· An Occupational Therapist being embedded in the service itself, employed by the provider and able to offer advice and undertake reviews of equipment on loan in order to promote recycling of equipment
· The requirement for the provider to work with commissioners to actively promote self-help and self-funding opportunities
· The option to include Telecare equipment within the contract stock
· Ensuring that self-help and self-funding initiatives are embedded in the services provided.
The provider evaluated through the agreed criteria and process as providing the best value was Nottingham Rehab Supplies Healthcare. Following negotiation, NRS have agreed to move to the new contract arrangements from the date of contract award, this will offer in-year efficiencies when compared to the current contract arrangements. As such it is proposed that the effective start date of the new contract is from the date of contract award if earlier than the 1 April 2014.
A comprehensive Implementation Plan, which can be found in the Exempt Annex to this report, has been drawn up that will be monitored on a weekly basis to ensure that all key features of the new contract are in place on day one. Those staff who prescribe equipment from the service will be kept informed of progress through regular updates on NRS’s on-line ordering webpage.
Subject to Cabinet Member approval, NRS will enter separate contracts with Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council. Commissioners will continue to work closely with NRS to maintain the excellent relationship that has been built with them during the current contract, to maintain the high quality service delivery and work closely with them to ensure that all elements of the new Service Specification are put in place.
As part of the Governance structure there will continue to be bi-monthly Commissioning Meetings with NRS to manage and monitor their performance to ensure that satisfactory outcomes are achieved throughout the lifetime of the Contract. On a local level operational meetings will also be held with NRS at least on a bi monthly basis to support the contract, with issues being escalated to the ICEs Commissioning Board as necessary.
No additional documents were used.
Publication date: 08/04/2014
Date of decision: 07/04/2014
Effective from: 12/04/2014
Accompanying Documents: