Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Cabinet received a report which followed a nine month review of day services for adults under 65 with physical and learning disabilities.
The report:
· Informed Cabinet of the review of day opportunities for people under 65 with physical and learning disabilities including employment services and day centres.
· Informed Cabinet of a set of proposals that had been put together following extensive engagement, from May 2013 to November 2013, with the people who used the services and their families and carers, as well as staff, other day service providers and other local authorities that had modernised their services.
· Sought Cabinet’s approval to go out to public consultation on the proposals on how day activities and lifestyle opportunities for adults under 65 were to be provided in the future.
Once the consultation was complete and all the responses had been considered a further report would be presented to Cabinet to seek approval for a final set of proposals on how day opportunities for adults under 65 with learning and physical disabilities could be offered in the future.
The report was the first of two such reports. Consideration of similar transformation of day services for adults over 65 and people with mental health needs would follow and be subject to a further Cabinet report early in 2014.
Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to:
1. Consider the proposals outlined in the report and in the accompanying consultation document for modernising day services for adults under 65 with physical and learning disabilities; and
2. Agree for these proposals to go out to public consultation for a period of eight weeks to all the Executive Director for Adult Social Care, Health and Wellbeing to formally consider the views of users of the services, other organisations, residents and other interested parties.
The recommendation to consult on the proposals would ensure that the Council would provide its residents with the opportunity to comment on the proposals, which was likely in turn to result in amendments to these proposals prior to Cabinet in March 2014.
1. Maintain Current Services
This would minimise disruption to current users but it did not do enough to maximise people’s independence, choice and control. It was costly and inefficient, it did not meet national guidance and fostered a dependency culture therefore doing nothing to change could not be an option.
2. Decommission in-house services and give all current services users a personal budget
This would help create more individualised services in line with the national priorities to offer for Personalised Support and realise capital assets. However, more work needed to be done in developing Personal Assistants in Peterborough to fill the gap. Also there was work still to be done to support people to manage personal budgets. Currently the independent market, like council services in this area, was underdeveloped and increasingly we need to work together as part of the transformation and implementation of the vision to develop new solutions.
Department of Health Summary Report 2009/10 – Personalisation Valuing People Now
Department of Health Report 2009 – Valuing People Now
Publication date: 16/12/2013
Date of decision: 16/12/2013
Effective from: 20/12/2013
Accompanying Documents: