Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Climate Change
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The new Group will assist in developing the
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, the Rural Walking
and Cycling Strategy, as well as other active travel
The Climate Change and Environment Scrutiny Committee formed a Cross Party Cycling and Walking Task and Finish Group to support the development of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). The group presented their recommendations to the Climate Change and Environment Scrutiny Committee and then Cabinet. The LCWIP is currently being updated to reflect the recommendations and will then be approved via a Cabinet Member Decision Notice.
The LCWIP is a high level plan and more detailed assessments are needed on each of the routes as well as public consultation. The Task and Finish Group focussed on the cycling elements of the LCWIP and further consideration is needed with regards to the walking proposals.
The LCWIP focuses on the urban area and the council has committed to developing a similar strategy for the rural area. The new Group will have a key role in assisting with the development of this strategy.
In addition to the above strategies, the council is developing a number of major walking and cycling schemes as well as other active travel initiatives, such as school streets. The Council’s adoption of the LTN 1/20 Design Standards poses a challenge regarding infrastructure because of constraints of space and layout.
Improving active travel provisions is a priority for the council and as such it is recommended that a Walking and Cycling Member Working Group is formed to help develop the two walking and cycling strategies and help guide decision making on major walking and cycling initiatives.
The reasons for making the recommendations are:
1. Further work is needed to develop and progress the LCWIP.
2. A rural walking and cycling strategy needs to be produced.
3. There is a need to improve the provision of high-quality walking and cycling infrastructure in the future.
4. With strategies in place, the Council will be able to evidence the case for investment and bid for funding to develop and deliver walking and cycling improvements.
To not form a new Member Group. This has been discounted because of the importance of improving active travel provisions as well as the importance that all parties are able to have an input into the process.
Publication date: 26/03/2024
Date of decision: 26/03/2024
Effective from: 30/03/2024
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