Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider and approve the proposed
development of the first primary school for Great Haddon.
The Cabinet:
1. Authorised the establishment of a new primary school to be developed at Great Haddon (GHPS) and delegates authority to the Executive Director for Children and Young Person to progress with the Free School Presumption Competition to select a Multi Academy Trust operator.
2. Agreed the project budget for GHPS as set out in the PCC Capital programme included at 10.1.
3. Delegated authority to the Director of Children and Young People’s Services to authorise the award of the contract for the works to construct and fit out the school in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance on all legal, finance and procurement matters.
4. Agreed that the Council calls for the land for the school site from the developer on the terms as set out in the s106 Agreement.
5. Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Children and Young Persons in consultation with the Interim Director of Legal and Governance to take all necessary steps to facilitate the decisions in recommendations 1-4 including the entering into of any necessary legal agreements.
The report presented to Cabinet can be found at the bottom of this page.
Publication date: 12/03/2024
Date of decision: 11/03/2024
Effective from: 16/03/2024
Accompanying Documents: