Decision details

Contract Award of Supported Accommodation Services for Young People in Care aged 16-18 Dynamic Purchasing System – FEB24/CAB/79

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes





1.     Approved the award of the Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) to each of the successful bidders who tendered for the PDPS for Supported Accommodation Services for young people in care aged 16 – 18 and for separated migrant children and /or formally separated migrant children with no recourse to public funds The PDPS Agreement will commence on 1st April 2024 and run for an initial period of 2 years with the option to extend twice in increments of 12 months, with a total contract value of £16,000,000 over a four-year contract period. The list of approved providers is outlined in Appendix 1

2.     Delegated approval to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care & Commissioning to extend the Contract Term up to 2 years (x2 periods of 12 months) in accordance with the contract provisions.

3.     Delegated approval to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care & Commissioning to agree fee uplifts, (per annum) on the hourly rate and weekly core accommodation costs, subject to internal governance arrangements and the value given in the published Contract Notice.

4.     Delegated approval to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care & Commissioning for future awards, to successful bidders to join the PDPS, as and when the PDPS has been reopened, throughout the duration of the Contract Term, within the contract provisions.

Reasons for the decision:



This recommendation will:


·       In accordance with the Sufficiency Duty placed upon local authorities, ensure that where it is safe and appropriate to do so, young people are supported to remain living in their local area. This enables them to maintain contact with, and access to, families and friends, support networks, education services, health and wellbeing services and local communities.

·       Enable the Council to meet its statutory duties under The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000

·       Ensure that supported accommodation provision for 16- and 17-year-olds in care is operating in accordance with regulatory requirements.

·       Enable the Access to Resources Team to have access to quality provisions for young people in an effective and timely way.

·       Ensure the supply of quality provision in Peterborough through formally commissioned services.

Alternative options considered:



A number of options were considered throughout the Supported Accommodation commissioning exercise. In not proceeding with the award of these contracts, the alternative option would be to spot purchase these services from Providers. This option was rejected due to not being compliant with Procurement regulations and the Authority’s Contract Procedure Rules.

Background Documents:



Supported Accommodation Paper February 2023 and Children in Care and Care Leavers Sufficiency Statement 2021 – 2024

Publication date: 13/02/2024

Date of decision: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 17/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: