Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To provide an update on the financial
assumptions in Quarter 2 and note the updated disposal
1. Noted the revised financial assumptions included within this Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2024-2027 Quarter two update, as outlined within Appendix A of the report.
2. Noted the update from the budget simulator.
3. Agreed to the updated disposal plan included within Appendix C of this report.
This report provides an update on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and will support the delivery of the Council setting a lawful and balanced budget for 2024/25.
The budget simulator feedback from 342 people shows the priorities for those people. Broadly it is to protect:
· Education and children’s social care services
· Cleansing, waste and recycling
· Transport and roads
· Community safety and neighbourhood services
And to increase Council Tax by a further 2.42% on top of the 4.99% already built in. Council will need to agree how to build the feedback into the final budget proposal for 2024/25.
No alternative option have been considered.
There were none.
There were none.
Publication date: 14/11/2023
Date of decision: 13/11/2023
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