Decision details

Procurement of a DPS for Large-scale Disabled Facility Adaptations and The Provision of Repairs Assistance to Low Income Owner Occupiers from 1 May 2023 to 31 Dec 2027 with optional 4 yearly extensions to 31 Dec 2031 - MAY23/CMDN/114

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member: 


1.    Authorised the award of places on the new Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Large Scale Disabled Facility Adaptations and Repairs Assistance to the successful contractors listed below who have responded to the initial Invitation to Participate (DPS Stage 1).  The DPS will run from the 1 May 2023 to 31 December 2026, with an option to extend for a further four 12-month periods: 


C F Casbon Trading as Casbon Building Services 

Care & Repair Limited 

Foster Building Services Ltd 

Foster Property Maintenance Limited 

Hankinson Limited 

Lindum Group Ltd 

Maplethorpe and Mooney Ltd 

Martin Greaves - Building Contractor 

Morley Building Services Ltd 

Spotless Cleaning Services Peterborough 

Warics Ltd 

Westone Housing Limited 


The value of the DPS period between 1 May 2023 and 31 December 2026 is £2,388,408.00 and a value of £651,384 per 12-month extension period.  The total value of the DPS is £4,993,944.00. 


2.    Delegated authority to the interim Director of Adult Services to admit additional contractors onto the DPS list who are successful in the request to participate (DPS Stage 1), due to the DPS permitting contractors to join at any time during the period of validity of the DPS, subject to them meeting the Council’s selection criteria. 


3.    Delegated authority to the interim Director of Adult Services to award contracts under DPS Stage 2 to successful DPS contractors following mini competitions  


Reasons for the decision:

The provision of mandatory Disabled Facility Grants is a statutory duty on the Local Authority.  Failure to provide disabled facility grant funded adaptations or failure to complete them in a timely manner, can result in accidents, falls and injuries and, in the most serious cases, fatalities. Delays result in individuals needing more home care, postpone hospital discharge and increase the number of untimely moves into full time care. Delay can lead to disabled adults and children experiencing increased pain, increased anxiety and a deterioration in physical/mental health. The Council could be considered culpable for a delay or failure in delivery which could result in complaints, challenges, Ombudsman involvement and legal proceedings. Disabled adaptations are a very important preventative measure which results is huge saving for health and social care services.


The award of Repairs Assistance can eliminate or mitigate hazards for vulnerable people who are unable to address the hazard themselves, due to age, disability, vulnerability and low income. Failure to provide repairs assistance heating grants, or completing them in a timely manner, can result in the exacerbation of existing respiratory and cardiac health conditions, accidents, falls, injuries and in the most serious cases fatalities. Delays result in individuals needing alternative help and postponement of hospital discharges. Delays can lead to adults and children experiencing increased anxiety, performing poorly at work or in education and deteriorations in physical /mental health. The Council could be considered culpable for a delay or failure in delivery which could result in complaints, challenges, Ombudsman involvement and legal proceedings. The repairs assistance grants are a very important part of prevention work which results is saving for health and social care services.


The DPS is a procedure available for contracts for works commonly available on the market. As a procurement tool, new suppliers can join at any time. The DPS shall be run as a completely electronic process and is set up using the restricted procedure and conditions as set out in Regulation 34 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

Alternative options considered:

Extend the current framework (Lot 3) for large scale adaptations for another year, however, due to the shortage of contractors listed within Lot 3, and the inability to add additional contractors a place on that Lot due to it being a framework, it was decided to procure a DPS in order toprovide Care and Repair with the greatest flexibility. 


To do nothing. This is not appropriate as the Council has a statutory duty in relation to the delivery of mandatory Disabled Facilities Grants and address Category 1 hazards in properties.  


Tender the works and services to one contractor. Thiswould reduce the capacity for works and remove the flexibility that a DPS offers the Council. 


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

Publication date: 02/05/2023

Date of decision: 26/04/2023

Effective from: 10/05/2023

Accompanying Documents: