Decision details

Approval for allocation of Market Sustainability Funding - MAY23/CMDN/113

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member:  


1.    Noted ongoing work toproduce an updated report for the Department of Health and Social Care (Annex A Report), following publication of PCC’s Market Sustainability Plan in March 2023.  

2.    Delegated approval of the Annex AReport to the Director of Adult Social Care Services 


Reasons for the decision:

This has been recommended because PCC are required to submit its Annex A Report to the DHSC by the 24th May 2023. 

Alternative options considered:

The following options were considered and rejected: - 


Option 1 – To do nothing. This option is rejected as PCC is required to submit its Annex A report as directed by DHSC. Failure to do so is a breach of grant conditions and would result in a lack of funding for the care market. This would disadvantage us with our ‘market shaping’ duty under Section 5 of the Care Act 2014.


Option 2 – Postpone governance until the completion of complex financial modelling and allocation. Whilst the deadline for submission for the Annex is the 24th May, elections in Peterborough have meant that the governance process has been brought forward. Officers are not able to wait until financial modelling has been completed to approve the Annex via CMND due to elections and their impact on democratic services and processes. As with Option 1, failure to submit our Annex A report would result in a lack of funding for the care market and disadvantage PCC in its market shaping duty under Section 5 of the Care Act 2014. 


Recommendation – Delegate approval of the Annex A Report to the Director of Adult Social Care Services. Due to the complex financial modelling that needs to be completed and the compressed governance timescales in light of elections, it is recommended that the Member grants delegated approval of the Annex A Report to the Direction of Adult Social Care Services. This will ensure compliance with Constitution and allow Officers to meet the DHSC deadline and earliest possible allocation of funds to the market. 

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

·         The Department of Health and Social Care – “Build Back Better; Our plan for health and social care” 

·         The Department of Health and Social Care – “People at the Heart of Care – Adult Social Care Reform White Paper” 

·         PCC Cost of Care Exercise – Care Home for people aged 65+  

·         PCC Cost of Care Exercise – Homecare for people aged 18+  

·         PCC Market Sustainability Plan  

·         Appendix A Template 

·         Social Care Explanatory Note (06/02/2023) 

·         Guidance on grant conditions, activities and metrics, reporting, monitoring and grant determination, allocation, and conditions 


Publication date: 01/05/2023

Date of decision: 26/04/2023

Effective from: 10/05/2023

Accompanying Documents: