Decision details

Cambridgeshire County Council's Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) For Individual Service Fund (ISF) Services - JAN23/CMDN/67

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member is recommended to authorise

1. Peterborough City Council to utilise Cambridgeshire County Council’s Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing Services (DPS) Agreement for the Provision of Individual Service Funds (ISF) Services to purchase ISF Services up to the value of £6,000,000 (six million pounds).

2. the Executive Director, People & Communities to enter into the required call off contracts following the competitive process, as required under the DPS, with the successful provider who has been selected to deliver the Services

Reasons for the decision:

The process of calling off from CCC’s DPS for ISF Services and entering into a call off contract with the successful bidder is a compliant procurement process and enable the Council to fulfil its duties placed on it under the Care Act 2014, whilst also complying with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


Alternative options considered:

Option 1 – Single source – Carry out an Open Tender

Not recommended because CCC & PCC want to commission a variety of providers to deliver ISFs. This option would not allow for a sufficient capacity and diversity of providers, so would not enable a more place-based approach.


Option 2 – Carry out a process to award a Closed Framework

Not recommended because the Project Team wants to on-board new providers during the lifetime of the arrangement. This is a developing service and market, so it is certain that there will be new entrants as providers grow their capabilities and engage with the ISF approach.


Option 3 – Set up PCC’s own Pseudo Framework)

Possible option – this would allow the onboarding of providers during the lifetime of the Framework. It would open in rounds, meaning providers could apply at certain times to join the Framework. However, due to the personalisation agenda and client’s freedom to choose, this option would not be as flexible as option 4.  Also, CCC has already carried out a compliant procurement exercise and PCC has the authority to call off from CCC’s DPS.


Option 4 – Pseudo DPS

Recommended option – we need to have the flexibility to onboard new ISF providers at any time as and when a service-user indicates a preference for a given provider, assuming all criteria are met.   The service user will have the ability to choose the provider to deliver the ISF Service once the referral process has been followed, in accordance with the call for competition under CCC’s Pseudo DPS


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

There were none.

Background Documents:

There were none.

Publication date: 09/01/2023

Date of decision: 09/01/2023

Effective from: 13/01/2023

Accompanying Documents: