Decision details

Closure and Relocation of Peterborough City Market - JAN22/CMDN/70

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, Culture and Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


With the approval of the Chairman of the Communities Scrutiny Committee, the special urgency procedures have been invoked to suspend the requirement for a 5-day consideration period and keeping of the 3 day call-in period. These procedures have been invoked due to the extremely short window for construction of the food hall.  In order to decant the traders from the Northminster site by 31st March (as required by the contract the council has with the PIP), the food hall will need to be opened by then. 


Through Peterborough Ltd, builders are on standby ready to commence the works to the food hall, the council is unable to instruct until the governance is complete surrounding the decision.  The build period is extremely tight to complete the build within deadline and the waiver of the usual 5-day period will provide more time for the builders to undertake the works.


The Cabinet Member for Housing, Culture and Communities:


1.    Closed the Peterborough City Market at Northminster, Peterborough; and


2.    Established a new statutory market at Bridge Street pursuant to the Food Act 1984 and moved the Charter/franchise market from Northminster Market to Bridge Street, operating 5 days per week (Tuesday to Saturday);


3.    Authorised the award of various works, including the construction of the food hall and market kiosks to the contract to Peterborough Limited for a value not exceeding of £779,360 for the construction of the food hall, market kiosks and supply/install of pop-up stall, subject to budget approval.


Reasons for the decision:

Vacant possession of the Northminster site is required to enable the regeneration of the site and providing new homes, this is a condition of government funding that the council has been awarded.

Alternative options considered:

Retain the market in its current location.  This option has been rejected as it will not enable the Northminster site to be developed or allow for the improvement in the market offer.


Do not have a market within Peterborough.  This option has also been rejected due to the negative impact on traders, the loss of community facilities which would negatively impact businesses within the city by reducing the footfall within the city.  Additionally, the market has a long-standing heritage within the city set out by way of Charter.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:


Urgent item?: Yes

Publication date: 28/01/2022

Date of decision: 28/01/2022

Effective from: 03/02/2022

Accompanying Documents: