Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and the University
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and the University, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste, Street Scene and the Environment:
1. Approved the release of capital funding from the capital programme to purchase 5 x coaches for the delivery of Passenger Transport services.
2. Awarded a contract for the purchase of 5 coaches to Dawson’s Rental for the sum of £721,250.00.
3. Authorised the Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Director of Resources and relevant Service Director to make decisions and enter into legal agreements necessary to give effect to these arrangements including the termination of existing hire agreements, the purchase of the coaches and the amendment of the Operational Services Agreement to include change to the hire terms, cost structure and vehicle schedules.
The current coaches are known to be mechanically reliable and are in excellent condition, the benefits of knowing the current history of the vehicles far outway obtaining other second-hand coaches where we do not know how reliable they will be.
The coaches will also allow sufficient time for the market to bring out further cost-effective electric options so this can be retendered before 2030 to meet the carbon ambitions of the authority.
Do nothing – this was not considered viable as the Council would continue to hire the coaches with significant revenue cost..
Procure new coaches – this was not taken forwards as there is currently not a cost-effective electric option. Purchasing replacement new diesel coaches would mean that the Council would be unable to dispose of these in 2030 when such vehicles are phased out. Purchasing these coaches second hand will allow the Council to operate but also have the flexibility to meet its 2030 ambitions.
Purchase alternative second hand coaches. The market was tested but no viable alternative supplier was identified.
Publication date: 27/10/2021
Date of decision: 27/10/2021
Effective from: 02/11/2021
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