Decision details

Supply of Temporary Agency Resource to the Council - FEB21/CMDN/83

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member:


1.         Authorised the award of a contract to Opus People Solutions Ltd via the YPO Framework for Managing Temporary and Permanent Recruitment (Reference 942)  Lot 1 – Managing Temporary Recruitment for Local Authorities for the supply of temporary agency staff  to the Council to commence on 1 April 2022.

2.         The contract shall be a duration of three years with an option to extend of one year at an estimated value of £5.0m per year.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council’s annual spend on temporary agency workers, both social care and non-social care has reduced since 2016, but there is still a requirement for provision of a temporary agency worker solution within both social care and non-social care roles.   Due to several factors, including the Council’s reduced spend on temporary agency workers, and increased shared working with Cambridgeshire County Council, the Council preferred solution is based on all these requirements being met in the most effective way.   


Under the YPO Framework for managing temporary and permanent recruitment it is a compliant route to direct award to the MSP the Council believes is the most appropriate for the services required. To direct award, the Council can review all pricing and quality delivery models to make an objective decision for the basis of the direct award. HR additional services can also be taken into consideration as part of the objective analysis. The pricing provided in the tender submission for this framework will then be the pricing that the MSP and Council adhere to. YPO will not be responsible or liable in any way for the award in relation to any direct call-off contract.

Alternative options considered:

Options detailed below have been considered:


·                     Utilise ESPO Mystar3 Framework following initial review of this framework it was decided that this would not be fit for purpose for this requirement and we would not achieve alignment with CCC.

·                     Conduct a full open tender in compliance with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 – this was not a viable option as this would not achieve alignment with CCC nor guarantee that the resulting contract would be better value than an existing contract.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:


Publication date: 25/02/2021

Date of decision: 25/02/2021

Effective from: 03/03/2021

Accompanying Documents: