Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health & Public Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member approved the Council’s call-off requirement from the Framework Agreement for provision of Adult Mental Health and Autism Supported Living and Residential Accommodation, as required, between the date this CMDN becomes effective and 30 June 2025. The total value of call-off contracts during the life of this framework is estimated to be a total of £4,269,220.00.
The recommendation to authorise Peterborough City Council’s requirement to call-off the Framework for the Adult Mental Health and Autism Supported Living and Residential Accommodation service is made on the following factors:
· Improve service delivery and individual outcomes for people with a range of mental health/autism needs in Peterborough
· Deliver a clear contracting arrangement between providers and Peterborough City Council
· Ensure a strategic approach to the market which provides the opportunity for review and growth
· Ensuring there is enough local provision to enable the Council’s statutory duties to be discharged under the Care Act
Alternative options considered:
1) Do nothing – to continue with current arrangements
Rejected – Current arrangements are inconsistent across providers and did not enable new providers to enter the market easily with new accommodation offers. Strategic commissioning would be more difficult with a range of individual and inconsistent arrangements.
Publication date: 08/01/2021
Date of decision: 07/01/2021
Effective from: 14/01/2021
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