Decision details

A605 Whittlesey Access Phase 2 - Stanground Access: Contract exemption for Cadent Gas works – OCT20/CMDN/35

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Commercial Strategy and Investments

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member authorised an exemption from the Council’s Contract Rules to allow a contract to be placed with Cadent Gas to undertake essential works associated with the A605 Whittlesey Access Phase 2 – Stanground Access highway scheme at a cost of£1,657,393.08. This CMDN does not increase the overall cost of the scheme.


Reasons for the decision:

Improvements are required to the junction of the A605 Whittlesey Road with the B1095 Milk and Water Drove. This junction is located on the eastern edge of Peterborough close to the border with Cambridgeshire. The need for the improvements has come about due to the high volumes of traffic travelling eastward out of Peterborough in the PM Peak. Eastbound traffic turning right from the A605 onto the B1095 blocks traffic heading towards Whittlesey and beyond. This subsequently causes long queues on the B1092 through Stanground and also on the A605 Stanground Bypass. The improvements will be designed to allow traffic to turn right without blocking the straight ahead movement. This will alleviate the congestion currently occurring.


The scheme is in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s Local Transport Plan.


The scheme cannot go ahead without significant works being undertaken by Cadent Gas and the Council is required to fund this work because the Council is altering the road layout.


Cadent Gas are responsible for the gas pipes in the east of England. Cadent Gas maintain, repair and replace the gas network in the Peterborough area. Therefore, the upgrade of the gas main as part of the highways works must be carried out by Cadent Gas so it is not possible to procure this work which is why an exemption from the Council’s Contract Rules to allow a contract to be placed with Cadent Gas to undertake these works is required.

Alternative options considered:

Not to go into contract with Cadent Gas: This will mean that the scheme cannot go ahead and the significant benefits to the residents of Peterborough and the wider travelling public will be lost. In addition, the Council would not be able to meet its strategic transport and highway priorities for Peterborough following a period of consultation with stakeholders and partners.



Agree an alternative works programme: The A605 Stanground east junction improvement programme of works put forward has been assessed to ensure it meets the objectives and provides value for money. No viable alternatives have been identified.


To procure the works – This was discounted on the basis that Cadent Gas are responsible for maintaining the gas supply and the only party who can carry out the works.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

·         Combined Authority Board Meeting 28 March 2018

·         National Productivity Fund Submitted Application

·         Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s Interim Local Transport Plan

·         Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s draft local transport plan

·         Previous CMDN for this scheme:



Publication date: 05/10/2020

Date of decision: 05/10/2020

Effective from: 09/10/2020

Accompanying Documents: