Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health & Public Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member approved the following:
1. The extension of the Peterborough City Council commissioned Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health service contract for Peterborough for a further 6 months, for the period 01st October 2020 until 31st March 2021; for a value of £783,149.00
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the procurement set out in the original CMDN (MAR20/CMDN/88) has been delayed and the decision has been taken to extend the existing services to ensure stability during this time. The transformational recommissioning of sexual and reproductive health services collaboratively between Cambridgeshire and Peterborough local authorities, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG and NHS England will take place later in the year.
The extension of the current Peterborough SRH contract for an additional six months ending 31st March 2021 is recommended as it will facilitate
- A more robust and successful collaborative procurement of SRH services.
- The establishment of high quality, cost effective services that improve the patient experience through easy access to related services in the same and most appropriate location.
There is a mandatory requirement for the Local Authority to ensure sexual and reproductive health services are provided for the resident population. Market feedback has indicated that providers, because of the complexities, involved in the commission would need a longer lead time to establish services. This would create the risk of a gap in service provision which would have a negative effect upon sexual health amongst PCC residents. The unplanned development of COVID-19 has created a delay in the original procurement timetable.
Publication date: 24/07/2020
Date of decision: 24/07/2020
Effective from: 30/07/2020
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