Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health & Public Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
With the approval of the Chairman of Adults and Communities Scrutiny Committee, the urgency procedure, special urgency procedure, and waiver of call-in procedure have been invoked to suspend the requirement to publish notice of the decision for 28 days, to suspend the requirement to publish the decision for five days, and to subject the decision to a three day call-in period. These procedures have been invoked as it is imperative the recommendations are carried urgently. Failing to do so will result in services not being provide and members of the public being at risk of serious harm. These issues will manifest in the form of providers no longer providing their services to vulnerable people as a result of not being able to continue to sustain the significant increase in costs which have been a result of COVID-19.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Health & Public Health authorised the Council to award a 10% uplift to adult social care providers to contribute to the significant increase in costs which have been born out of the COVID-19.
This uplift is to be effective as of 20th April 2020 and applied until the end of June. The cost will be up to £1.5m until the end of June 2020. .
This uplift is required and there is an imperative that it is done so urgently. Failing to do so will result in services not being provide and members of the public being at risk of serious harm. These issues will manifest in the form of providers no longer providing their services to vulnerable people as a result of not being able to continue to sustain the significant increase in costs which have been a result of COVID-19.
The implications of providers no longer providing services as a result of an unsustainable costs base is the Council not being able to discharge its statutory duties as set out in the Care Act 2015. At its worst this could result in vulnerable people not having any care in place and requiring admission into hospital or passing away.
Do nothing – Not an option. The risks of doing nothing present the potential of market failure, statutory non-compliance and unprecedented quality issues.
Urgent item?: Yes
Publication date: 17/04/2020
Date of decision: 17/04/2020
Accompanying Documents: