Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education Skills and University
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member approved and determine the proposed changes to admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for whom Peterborough City Council is the admission authority, for the 2020/21 academic year.
As detailed in 3.8 and appendix 3 of the report, this change is recommended in response to the request received from the Department of Education in August. The inclusion of this criterion has also been consulted on in Cambridgeshire and will be recommended for adoption at the January Children and Young People Committee meeting in January 2019.
The alternative considered was not to include this new criterion now but to wait for the legislation to change to make this a legal requirement, rather than a request from the DfE. It was felt that given the small numbers of children living in Peterborough that this criterion would affect, and the fact that it is clear that this would become a legal requirement in the near future, that we should implement this change at the earliest opportunity in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire.
School Admissions Code (December 2014)
Consultation pages on PCC website
Publication date: 31/01/2019
Date of decision: 31/01/2019
Effective from: 06/02/2019
Accompanying Documents: