Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Growth, Planning, Housing and Economic Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member:
1. Authorised the implementation of the Peterborough Permit Scheme for Road Works and Street Works,
2. Authorised the Interim Development Director to sign the Form of Undertaking,
3. Authorised the appropriate officer in Legal Services to sign the Permit Scheme Order,
4. Authorised the Head of Peterborough Highway Services to manage and operate the Permit Scheme, including the adjustment of fees, in accordance with the national regulations and guidelines.
Both the streetworks and traffic management functions are statutory requirements. Whilst a permit scheme is not yet mandatory the Department for Transport are encouraging the Authorities that have not yet implemented such a scheme to do so, based on the benefits achieved in other authorities.
The permit scheme benefits Peterborough residents , business and visitors through the reduction in traffic delays and disruption, through improved coordination and communication regarding the purpose and duration of the works.
The implementation of a permit scheme enables additional staff to be employed to operate the scheme, thereby improving service provision. The costs of the additional work in processing permits is met from the permit fees charged under the scheme.
If the Permit Scheme is not implemented Peterborough City Council would continue to run the current Noticing scheme, however this would not enable additional resources to be employed in managing the highway network to the benefit of all road users.
The Department of Transport is also promoting the use and benefits of Permit Schemes to the 35% of Local Authorities that have not yet implemented one.
Traffic Management Act (2004)
Traffic Management Permit Scheme (England) Regulations 2007
Traffic Management Permit Scheme (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015
Publication date: 23/01/2019
Date of decision: 23/01/2019
Effective from: 29/01/2019
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