Decision details

To approve additional Local Highways Maintenance funding - JAN19/CMDN/74

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Growth, Planning, Housing and Economic Development

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member:


1.    Authorised the issue of the following work package to Skanska Construction UK Limited under the Council’s existing Peterborough Highway Services Contract;


·         Additional highway maintenance funding for 018/19 - KEY/24DEC02/18. Work package value is £1.535m.


2.    Authorised the Director of Growth and Regeneration to vary the work order value when required subject to;


                              I.        available budget being in place;

                            II.        the total sum of each variation not exceeding £100,000.

                           III.        the combined value of any authorised variation(s) do not exceed the total sum of £500,000. Any variations are to be made in prior consultation with internal audit, finance and legal services.


Reasons for the decision:

Condition surveys and investigations have been completed on the highway network that have identified the need for widespread maintenance intervention to prevent further deterioration that would otherwise lead to significantly higher costs at a later date.


The Peterborough Long Term Transport Strategy (2011-2026) and the fourth Peterborough Local Transport Plan (2016-2021) were developed in consultation with a wide range of key stakeholders. The Council considered a range of transport interventions to best address local problems, meet the growth aspirations of the city and integrate the Government’s transport priorities agreed nationally by the Local Government Association and the Department for Transport. The assessment and appraisal of options involved:


·         Policy Fit (meets objectives of the strategy)

·         Cost Benefit Analysis (value for money)

·         Key Performance Indicator Assessment

·         Network Improvement Impact Assessment

·         Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)

·         Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

·         Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA)


In the future there will be a new Local Transport Plan prepared by the Combined Authority.The Combined Authority Board agreed to adopt the previous Local Transport Plans of Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council as a single Local Transport Plan as an interim measure until a comprehensive statutory process can be undertaken to review the Combined Authority’s strategic transport planning role to produce a long term, new Local Transport Plan for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area.


Alternative options considered:

Not to deliver a programme of works: Successful delivery of the additional highway maintenance funding will provide significant benefits to the residents of Peterborough and the wider travelling public, resulting in improvements to the condition of the highway network to ensure that it is fit for purpose so that the network can continue to function effectively. These benefits will be lost if the programme is not delivered


Agree an alternative works programme: The programme of works that will be undertaken will be developed through condition surveys and assessments, in consultation with a range of key stakeholders to ensure it meets the objectives and provide value for money.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

·         Peterborough Local Transport Plan 4 (2016 – 2021)


Publication date: 15/01/2019

Date of decision: 15/01/2019

Effective from: 19/01/2019

Accompanying Documents: