Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Growth, Planning, Housing and Economic Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member authorised the award of placement on the Council’s new Care and Repair Framework Agreement to the successful contractors who have submitted tenders to the new framework for Care & Repair Works & Services due to commence on 1 January 2019. This Framework Agreement will be for a period of 3 years to 31 Dec 2021 with an option to extend for a further year until 31 December 2022 and a further year beyond that to December 2023. The Framework Agreement has been split into 5 Lots. These are detailed below with successful bidders and total estimated Lot values for 3 years
LOT 1 - The provision of level access showering facilities and associated works including the installation of minor aids and adaptations to domestic properties to enable access.
Successful Bidders:
- PFS Builders and Contractor
- Martin Greaves - Building Contractor
- Garfield Builders Ltd (Active)
- Morley Building Services Ltd
- Casbon Building Services
- Lindum Group
- Gaswise Services Ltd
Sovereign Property Services Ltd
3 Year Lot Value £3,106,250.00
LOT 2 - The provision of of Boiler and Central Heating Installations;
Successful Bidders:
- Maplethorpe and Mooney Ltd
- Morley Building Services Ltd
Gaswise Services Ltd
3 Year Lot Value £808,750.00
LOT 3 - The construction of large scale adaptations to domestic properties to provide disabled living facilities and the provision of repairs to owner occupied domestic properties as identified by the application of the Housing Health & Safety Rating System
Successful Bidders:
- Sovereign Property Services Ltd
- Garfield Builders Ltd (Active)
- Martin Greaves - Building Contractor
Lindum Group
3 Year Lot Value £3,240,000.00
LOT 4 - The Supply and installation of Stairlifts, Steplifts (including concrete works), Ceiling Track Hoists and Vertical Through Floor Lifts in domestic properties
Successful Bidders:
- Prism UK Medical Ltd
- Care and Independence Ltd
Premier Mobility UK Limited
3 Year Lot Value: £1,273,141.00
LOT 5 - Deep cleaning and decluttering services
Successful Bidder:
- Garfield Builders Ltd
3 Year Lot Value £105,000.00
Total of value of the contracts for 3 years is £8,533,141.00 with a further £2,490,000.00 added if the year’s extension is enacted and a further £2,490,000.00 for the second year extension, making a total of £13,513,141.00. These figures are based on anticipated remaining budget from 1 January 2019 to 31 March 2019 and predicted budgets from 1 April 2019 to 31 Dec 2023
The Housing Act 2004 imposes a duty on local authorities to deal with Category 1 hazards. Properties are assessed using The Housing Health & Safety Rating System (HHSRS) (Housing Act 2004). A Category 1 Hazard “Excess Cold” occurs where there is no or ineffective heating in domestic properties. The installation of a new boiler and/or central heating system can reduce that hazard to an acceptable level in vulnerable households, potentially in fuel poverty, who are unable to address the hazard themselves. Other high risk hazards such as damp and mould, falls on the level or between levels and entry by intruders can also be addressed through Repairs Assistance funding.
Failure to provide disabled facility grant funded adaptations, aids and adaptations or repairs assistance, or failure to complete them in a timely manner can result in accidents, falls and injuries and, in the most serious cases, fatalities. Delays result in individuals needing more home care, postpone hospital discharge and increase the number of untimely moves into full time care. Delay can lead to disabled adults and children experiencing increased pain, increased anxiety and a deterioration in physical/mental health. The Council could be considered culpable for a delay or failure in delivery which could result in complaints, challenges, Ombudsman involvement and legal proceedings. Disabled adaptations and the high risk repairs work carried out in vulnerable households homes are a very important preventative measure which results is huge saving for health and social care services.
The tender process was compliant with procurement legislation in order to develop a new framework to replace the framework due to expire. The new framework has been procured competitively in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, demonstrating best value and satisfactory quality, shall provide additional capacity across a number of the Lots and maintain required standards.
Extend the current framework. The current framework has utilised all extension provisions, therefore cannot be extended further.
To do nothing. This is not appropriate as the Council has a statutory duty in relation to the works. |
Tender the jobs individually. This would result in several hundred smaller tenders during the proposed framework period and has huge resource implications for the Council. This would lead to potential delays and increased costs.
Discontinue using a framework and tender the works and services to one contractor. This would potentially reduce the capacity and flexibility that a framework offers the Council.
PCC Housing Renewals Policy 2017 - 2019
Publication date: 28/11/2018
Date of decision: 28/11/2018
Effective from: 04/12/2018
Accompanying Documents: