Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education Skills and University
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and University in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources
1. Authorised the Executive Director People and Communities to approve the completion of the construction of new school accommodation at Jack Hunt School up to the value of the budget sum of £4.8m. This sum included the anticipated design and build contract costs, funding for Information and Communications Technology (ICT), internal re-modelling to the existing site, off-site highways works, all site surveys and project management and technical advisers fees.
2. Authorised the Executive Director People and Communities to award the design and build contract to the successful contractor from Lot 3 of the Peterborough City Council Construction Framework.
3. Authorised the Head of Legal Services or delegated officers to enter into any legal documentation on behalf of the Council in relation to this matter, including the design and build contract and any required variation to the PFI contract.
4. Authorised the Head of Legal Services or delegated officers to enter into a Development Agreement with Peterborough Keys Academies Trust.
The Local Authority has a statutory duty to provide school places. There are significant pressures on the city to provide school places in the areas most in need. The decision to expand Jack Hunt School was made by the Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and University following review of demographic data as part of the School organisation Plan 2015-2020.
As a result of the above, the proposed scheme will enable Jack Hunt to expand by 1 form of entry from September 2018. Once completed in June 2019, the new accommodation will provide:
- 11 new classrooms, a new dining an kitchen facility, science classroom, all weather sports pitch and additional car parking
The following options were considered and rejected:
To do nothing. This option was rejected due to the Local Authority’s statutory duty to provide sufficient school places. Demography analysis demonstrates a need for additional school places in the area. Expansions at feeder primary schools have been carried out in recent years.
To tender outside of the Peterborough Framework. This option was rejected having considered alternative procurement routes which included use of the national Education Skills and Funding Agency Framework. Due to the nature of the project and the need to secure a contractor to complete the works and demonstrate value for money, the Peterborough Framework was chosen as the preferred route for the procurement of the contract.
· School Organisation Plan 2015 - 2020 (amended in 2017)
· Medium Term Financial Plan
Publication date: 26/07/2018
Date of decision: 26/07/2018
Effective from: 01/08/2018
Accompanying Documents: