Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the updated Statement of Community Involvement(SCI)to take into account updated Neighbourhood Planning regulation requirements that come into force on 31st July 2018 and ensure that up to date public consultation arrangements are in place for planning related matters
Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to adopt the updated Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), as attached at Appendix 1 to the report.
There is a legal requirement to have an up to date Statement of Community Involvement, following recent legislative changes, the current adopted SCI is considered out of date and in need of replacement.
To not refresh the SCI. This option was rejected because of the significant legislative changes in recent years meaning the present SCI is somewhat dated. Undertaking the refresh has been a low cost task, particularly as the refresh has been drafted alongside a refresh of the Fenland and East Cambridgeshire SCIs (refreshes for which PCC has been contracted to undertake for those two authorities).
refresh the SCI, but with significantly greater community consultation commitments. This option was rejected, because if additional commitments are made, then the council legally must fulfil such commitments. As such, any additional commitments would require additional funding to be in place (staff or financial) to enable such commitments to be fulfilled. In the current financial climate, it is not considered prudent to commit to more extensive community consultation.
Cabinet Report – 16 July 2018 – Peterborough Statement of Community Involvement
Publication date: 16/07/2018
Date of decision: 16/07/2018
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