Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED to approve the draft Flood and Water Management Supplementary Planning Document for public consultation.
There is no statutory duty to prepare this SPD. However, without it, developers could be confused or misinformed as to how they can deliver fit-for-purpose development schemes in Peterborough that meet flood and water management requirements. This could have an impact on development coming forward as additional time would need to be spent on applications where flood or water management issues occur.
The existence of policy and guidance that all of Peterborough’s water management partners support will improve current and future service delivery through the more efficient processing of planning applications and future drainage application approvals.
Alternative options considered were:
Option 1 - do not update the document, policies remain outdated, links broken and missed opportunity to simplify the process for those involved in managing flood risk through development, as such this is not the preferred option.
Option 2 - Remove the SPD from circulation - this would result in a
loss of a valuable resource for both planners and developers and
carries the risk of flood risk not being consistently managed, as
such this is not the preferred option.
Option 3 (Recommended) - update the document with the appropriate
changes in policy, legislation and best practice. The document is held in regard across the industry
but has become a little outdated. There
are also steps that can be taken to simplify the document for the
end user and this seems the most appropriate option.
Option 4 - full rewrite, there is little likelihood of a
significantly changed document being produced and the associated
demand on resources make this an ineffective option.
The new Local Plan which was considered by this Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 1 November 2017.
Publication date: 15/01/2018
Date of decision: 15/01/2018
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