Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Waste and Street Scene
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the award of contract for construction and operation of Fengate Household Recycling Centre.
The Council has a statutory obligation to provide a ‘civic amenity site’ (i.e. a Household Recycling Centre) for use by residents so they can dispose of waste free of charge. This obligation is imposed on the Council under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
The current contract for the operation and management of Dogsthorpe Household Recycling Centre with HW Martin Waste Limited comes to an end on the 31 October 2017 and can under exceptional circumstances only be extended for a maximum of a further 12 months. A separate CMDN has been approved to provide a short term stop gap operation to allow the completion of the build of the new Fengate facility, whilst meeting the Council’s statutory duty to provide a HRC.
TheDogsthorpe Household Recycling Centre site is not owned by the Council and the Council leases the site from FCC Waste Services (UK) , the current lease expires on the 31 October 2017 with the option to extend for a further 2 years. This option to extend has been secured for the purpose of supporting an orderly transition to the new Fengate facility as the landlord has alternative uses for the Dogsthorpe site.
The new Household Recycling Centre will be located on a site in Fengate that is owned by Peterborough City Council. The new, purpose-built site will have a number of improvements over the existing site on Welland Road, Dogsthorpe. The new site is over twice the size of the current site with the majority undercover, it will include a one-way system and a convenient layout which will make it much easier to use, and reduce the likelihood of queues.
The Dogsthorpe Household Recycling Centre site is not sufficient to cope with the volumes of waste generated at present by residents in the City and therefore is unsuitable for providing the required service in the next 20 years.
1. Do nothing
This is not an option as the Council is obligated to provide
a Household Recycling Centre under the Environmental
Protection Act 1990. As the Council is a Waste Disposal
Authority, it is required by statute to provide a recycling
2. Conduct an EU procurement to manage and operate the HRC at Dogsthorpe and not transfer to the new site in Fengate
It is not possible to extend the current contractual term with HW Martin Waste Limited for more than one/two more years. In addition, the current HRC facility at Dogsthorpe is not fit for purpose and will not provide the required capacity to deal with the waste generated by the growing City in the next 20 years.
Publication date: 24/08/2017
Date of decision: 24/08/2017
Effective from: 31/08/2017
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