Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Communities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member is recommended to authorise the contract award to Quadrant Security Group for the design, supply, installation and set-up of a new CCTV surveillance system, utilising the CityFibre network with wireless communication where required.
The contract will be for a period of five years, to run from 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2022 with an option to extend for a period of up to 2 years at the Council’s discretion. The total value of the contract is estimated at £600,000, approximately £85,000 per year.
As the current CCTV system is becoming dated, the recommendations in this report will ensure the CCTV service achieves a number of operational and cost benefits, including reduced communications and maintenance charges by upgrading its CCTV system, replacing all cameras and control room facilities, and making full use of the potential of the CityFibre network being installed across Peterborough.
CityFibre will provide the Council with a Fibre Optic Wide-Area-Network around the city, which will allow all Council assets to use this transmission medium. The CityFibre network will enable growth, reliability and the ability to use new technology to provide an efficient and effective service.
The recommendations within this report will allow for new CCTV cameras to continue to provide a safe overview of the city in respect of Crime and Disorder and ensure the Council continues to work effectively with Cambridgeshire Constabulary in relation to crime reduction and prevention.
To do nothing, however this was rejected on the basis that the Council is required to maintain the continuity of the service, for reasons outlined within this report. Approval will enable the Council to upgrade its CCTV system by replacing all cameras and control room facilities, making full use of the potential of the CityFibre network being installed across Peterborough. This will enable the CCTV service to achieve a number of operational and cost benefits, including reduced communications and maintenance charges.
To call-off from an existing government framework agreement. The Council could have called-off this requirement through other framework agreements,. The ESPO framework was considered but the scope of potential bidders was limited. In order to have the full range of submissions from across the industry it was considered that an open procedure would provide this option
Publication date: 01/08/2017
Date of decision: 01/08/2017
Effective from: 05/08/2017
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