Decision details

Passenger Transport Services - JUL17/CMDN/23

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education Skills and University

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member:


1. Authorised the award of a framework agreement for the provision of passenger transport services from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2020 with an option to extend for a further year,  to the following contractors:



4x Limited T/A Steves Private Hire

24x7 Ltd

A2B Euro Cars Limited

Ace Travel (Long Sutton) Ltd

Abdul Hussain T/A Ash School Transport

City Cabs Pboro Ltd

Daytime Cars

Atif Safdar T/A Dial A Carz

E Shaw and Son T/A Shaws Coaches

Eames Minibuses Ltd

Goldstar Cabs Ltd

Roger Gretton T/A Grettons Coaches

Impression Coach Travel Ltd

Elsayed Elkhouli T/A Kholyo Cars

King Carz

Link Transport Services

Marks Specialist Transport Ltd T/A Marks Passenger Services

My Work Bus Ltd

Nationwide Travel Solutions Ltd

Nationwide Coaches Limited

Robert Blunt T/A Neneway Coaches

Newborough Coaches Ltd

Norse Commercial Services Ltd

Peterborough Cars

Posh Carz Limited

RT Enterprises Ltd T/A Royal Taxis

ST Transport Solutions Ltd

Cambus Limited T/A Stagecoach East & Stagecoach in Peterborough

The Taxi Firm Ltd

T&T Private Hire Limited

Yellowcabz Cabco Ltd


2. Authorised  the Corporate Director People and Communities to award call off contracts under the framework subject to each call-off contract not exceeding £500,000.


3. Authorised the Director of Governance or delegated officers to enter into any legal documentation on behalf of the Council in relation to this matter.


Reasons for the decision:

The period of the Framework will be for three years - 1st September 2017 to 31st August 2020, with an option to extend for one further year until 31st August 2021, dependent on the satisfactory performance of the Framework/and call off contracts formed during the initial three-year term of the Framework. The annualised estimated cost of the transport will be approximately £1.8m.


School transport is provided in line with the Council’s Children’s Services Transport Policy (September 2016) and the Peterborough Post-16 Transport Partnership Policy and provides free or subsidised transport for children in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act 1996 and Education and Inspections Act 2006.


Transport is required for children in mainstream education and those with special educational and social care needs.  Call off contracts are tendered on a rolling procurement programme to ensure best value.


The procurement process followed the Open procedure  in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.  Expressions of interest in the tender were invited by advertising it through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) - OJEU Notice 2017/S 061-114102 - Special-purpose road passenger-transport services


A total of 33 tenders were received. One bidder decided to withdraw and one bidder did not respond to any clarification request therefore their bid was no longer evaluated.


Each contractor  has been evaluated through the open procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The process included:


1.    The Standard Selection Questionnaire – Potential Contractor  Information, Exclusion Grounds, Economic and Financial Standing, Technical and Professional Ability, Requirements under Modern Slavery Act 2015, Insurance and Operator Licences

2.    Agreement to the terms and conditions of contract

3.    Agreement to the Passenger Transport Guidance

4.    Declaration of Good Standing

5.    Declaration to the payment of national minimum wage and national living wage act

6.    Completion of the Safeguarding Adult’s Toolkit

7.    Completion of the Safeguarding Children’s Toolkit


For contractors to meet the criteria and qualify they were required to complete the above documentation and where applicable, provide bids for each of the tendered routes supplied within the ITT

Alternative options considered:

Do nothing – this option was not available, as current contracts were due to expire, which would have left the council contractually exposed


A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) –  was considered.  This approach was deemed to be   too resource intensive given the value of transport contracts for Peterborough, and would not have provided an expedient route to supply given the constrained timetable for updating the framework;


Collaborative framework – no collaborative framework was available within appropriate geography; The service was not available via existing council partners.



Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:


Publication date: 17/07/2017

Date of decision: 17/07/2017

Effective from: 21/07/2017

Accompanying Documents: