Decision details

Peterborough City Council Construction Framework - DEC16/CMDN/78

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member for Resources has:


  1. Approved the award of a Framework Agreement for the provision of a construction contractors to operate from the 1 January 2017 for a period of four years.


The Framework Agreement will include the following contractors :


Lot 1 (Value up to £1m)


·         Burmor Construction Limited

·         D Brown Building Contractors Limited

·         Garfield Builders Limited

·         Lindum Group Peterborough Limited

·         RG Carter Cambridge Limited


Lot 2 (£1m to £2m)


·         Coulson Building Group

·         Jeakins Weir Limited

·         Lindum Group Peterborough Limited

·         Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure Limited

·         RG  Carter Cambridge Limited


Lot 3 (£2m to £5m)


·         Coulson Building Group

·         Jeakins Weir Limited

·         Kier Construction Limited

·         Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure Limited

·         RG Carter Cambridge Limited


2.    Authorised the Director of Governance or delegated officers to enter into any legal documentation on behalf of the Council in relation to this matter.

Reasons for the decision:

            The new Framework will enable the Council to create much stronger link with local businesses and bring SMEs in to the supply chain to allow them to deliver capital works / projects for the Council.


            The Framework will provide the opportunity to deliver value for money for the Council for the build of new and expanded schools with pre agreed fixed rates for overheads and profits.


            The Framework will enable the Council to accelerate the procurement timeline by either direct award to contractors or mini competition.


Alternative options considered:

The following options were considered and rejected:


            To do nothing. This option was rejected as the Council is committed to creating stronger link with local businesses and bring SMEs in to the supply chain to allow them to deliver capital works / projects for the Council.


            To continue to use existing regional and national Frameworks. The Council will still have access to these Framework in particular for works that exceed £5m but the proposed new Framework for projects less than £5m in value provides an additional opportunity both for the Council and the local Peterborough supply chain. 


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:


Publication date: 07/12/2016

Date of decision: 07/12/2016

Effective from: 13/12/2016

Accompanying Documents: