Decision details

Independent Advocacy Services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough - SEPT16/CMDN/50

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Integrated Adult Social Care and Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member approved a contract to Voiceability to deliver a countywide integrated childrens and adults advocacy service.  The sum for the Peterborough contract is £1,277,720 (£255,544 per year for 5 years), with an option to extend for a further 2 years at £511,088 (£255,544 per year).


Reasons for the decision:

Peterborough currently has 9 providers of advocacy services.  Moving forward the integrated advocacy service will combine all elements of the presently separate services.  This will provide an integrated package of services for clients by having a truly integrated service delivered by multi-skilled workers.  The integration will provide a better service for clients as well as deliver efficiencies and innovation for the Council.


The contract will be funded by the current budgets identified for childrens and adults advocacy services.




The procurement was delivered by Cambridgeshire County Council and carried out in accordance with section 7 of the Public Contract Regulations 2016 (the ‘light touch regime’). 


Two initial tenders were submitted via the LGSS eProcurement portal on 3 May 2016. The tenders were evaluated by a panel made up of commissioners and contract managers from both Councils.  There was then a moderation meeting to decide on a consensus score for each response.


The initial tender scores are shown in the table below:



Quality of method statements (70%)

Price score (30%)

Total Score

Supplier 1




Supplier 2





Overall, the winning bidder’s organisational model was good and they demonstrated a high quality of service.  There is no price score for supplier 1 as they did not pass the quality assessment stage of the moderation.


Cambridgeshire County Council wrote to Voiceability on 27 July 2016 informing them of the outcome of the tender.  They have now entered into the standstill period that will end on 8 August. The implementation will start after this date.


Alternative options considered:

The following options were considered and rejected:


Option 1 - Continuation of current services. This option was rejected for the following reasons:

a)    Operating separate services does not put service users at the centre.  It reduces accessibility and limits opportunities

b)    A tender exercise will generate competition within the market, potentially leading to innovation and better value for money for the council.


Option 2 - Do not provide advocacy services. This option was rejected as Peterborough City Council has a statutory duty to deliver these services.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:


Publication date: 05/09/2016

Date of decision: 05/09/2016

Effective from: 09/09/2016

Accompanying Documents: