Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Resources
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member:
1. Approved a Change Control Notice for the Council’s existing ICT Managed Service Contract with Serco to enable the provision of an additional 220 connectivity access points across the Council’s CityFibre network
2. Authorised the Corporate Director: Resources to vary this Change Control Notice if, during the implementation stage, the Council has to amend its detailed business requirements.
The investment in the additional access points will further enhance Peterborough’s reputation as being a Gigabit city and leading the way across with UK with regards to connectivity. The access points will allow the Council to utilise the network for a number of other services such as the connectivity of CCTV cameras (wireless communications between cameras and control rooms) and Information Traffic System improvements, whilst allowing for future roll outs of Citywide Wi-Fi and future proofing the city for future developments in the world of IOT and Smart cities. Undertaking the work to provide the access points at this time enables utilisation of existing resources to undertake the required work at a more financially beneficial rate than revisiting the network in the future, whilst also giving the Council the future proofing it needs as the world becomes more and more digitally connected for the benefit of its residents.
By having the fibre network in place with the additional access points the Council may be in a position to provide enhanced services across the city.
The following alternative options were considered and rejected:
Do nothing:
This option has been rejected due to the reasons mentioned in section 4. The access points will allow a number of services to run over the fibre network that is already in place, as well as allow for future services to also be added without having the disruption of retro-fitting more access points or moving from a point to point fibre model rather than utilising access points that can handle multiple devices.
Publication date: 27/06/2016
Date of decision: 27/06/2016
Effective from: 01/07/2016
Accompanying Documents: