Decision details

Award of Housing Related Support Grants - MAY16/CMDN/28

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member:


1)    Awarded  specific grants for the funding of Housing Related Support to be funded through the Housing Related Support (formerly Supporting People) Programme to the following organisations for the period of 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017:

                            i.        Axiom Housing Association – Hostel Accommodation and Drop-in Service - £530,000.00;

                         ii.   Cross Keys Homes – Hostel Accommodation - £99,109.00;

                          iii.        Genesis Housing Association – Hostel Accommodation - £58,066.46;

                          iv.        YMCA – Hostel Accommodation - £250,059.39;

                           v.        Peterborough & Fenland MIND Floating Support Service  - £21,333.60;

                          vi.        Peterborough Woman’s Aid – Refuge Service - £60,205.69;

                        vii.        NACRO STORM Project – Floating Support - £35,200.32; and


2)    Awarded a specific grant for the provision of Housing Related Support to the following organisation for a six month period of 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2016, with an option to extend for a further six months to 31 March 2017:


                              i.        Home Group (Stonham) – Hostel Accommodation - £36,687.58 (per six month period).


Reasons for the decision:

The recommendations in this report will ensure that the continuity of Housing Related Support some of the most vulnerable in society is achieved.


Housing Related Support is provided for vulnerable people, often with complex support needs either in an accommodation based setting, through drop in support workers or through floating support provided by outreach workers.  Our evidence shows that the Housing Related Support provided through the homeless hostels plays a significant role in helping to reduce homelessness in the city.  Drop in and floating support reaches hard to engage groups, assisting people with complex and entrenched needs, often living chaotic lifestyles. 


Under the Homlessness Act 2002 local housing authorities must have a strategy for preventing homelessness in their district. The strategy must apply to everyone at risk of homelessness. Authorities are also encouraged to take steps to relieve homelessness in cases where someone has been found to be homeless but is not owed a duty to secure accommodation under the homelessness legislation. 


Alternative options considered:

Cut funding completely and stop the Housing Related Support.  Rejected due to the adverse impact on the provision of hostel provision and homeless prevention.


A procurement has been rejected because grants can be given to an organisation to fund a specific project, which in this case is the funding towards the cost of support staff providing Housing Related Support, in order to meet the support needs of vulnerable groups in the city. Grant agreements will be used by the Council in respect of the funding being undertaken by the grant recipients.


Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Background Documents:

Cabinet Member Decision Notice APR12/CMDN/046

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2015/2016 – 2024/2025

Housing Strategy 2011 - 2015

Homelessness Strategy 2013 - 2018


Publication date: 04/05/2016

Date of decision: 04/05/2016

Effective from: 10/05/2016

Accompanying Documents: