Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Growth, Planning, Housing and Economic Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member:
1) Authorised the issue ofthe following work packages to Skanska Construction UK Limited under the Council’s existing Peterborough Highway Services Contract;
i. Junction 20 (Paston Parkway/A47) capacity improvements, work package value tobe within £5m scheme budget
ii. Bourges Boulevard Phase 2,work package value to be within scheme budget of £10.5m
iii. Wheel Yard public realm improvements, work package value tobe within scheme budget of £690k
iv. LED streetlighting upgrades, work package value tobe within scheme budget of £16.681m
v. A1260 Nene Parkway,work package value tobe within scheme budget of£1.5m
vi. A1179 Longthorpe Parkway,work package value to be within scheme budget of £1.5m
2) Authorised the Director ofGrowth and Regeneration to vary the work order value when required subject to;(i) available budget being in place; (ii) the total sum ofeach variation not exceeding £100,000, and (iii) the combined value ofany authorised variation(s) do not exceed the total sum of£500,000. Any variations are to be made in prior consultation with internal audit, finance and legal services.
Increasing pressure has been placed on different service areas toexplore alternative mechanisms to deliver works more efficiently. Agreeing the recommendation detailed above will not only deliver individual major schemes more efficiently and effectively but will also enable further efficiencies associated with the increased turnover ofan existing Council contract.
Asthis isa recommendationto utilisean existingcontract togreater capacityit isnot believed that there are further options available with the same outcome.
The alternative procurement and delivery options considered were:
(a) To separately tender for each project: This approach would incur additional procurementcosts inthe formof stafftime andresource thatcould otherwisebe avoided. Theincreased leadin timeto procure civilengineering schemeswill potentiallyincrease the out-turncosts of agiven projectand decreasethe timeavailable toengage the contractoron siteto carry outthe works.In this instancethere wouldbe considerablerisk to achieving the required programme forthe capital works.
(b) Toutilise another existing FrameworkAgreement: Procurement ofthe sixidentified major schemes through the Midlands Highway Alliance Framework Agreement has been discussedabove. Uponresearch, therewere foundto be noother FrameworkContracts available that PCCcould utiliseto delivercivil engineeringschemes dueto limitationsin scope.
Cabinet Members Decision Notice reference AUG/CMDN/068.
Publication date: 05/04/2016
Date of decision: 05/04/2016
Effective from: 09/04/2016
Accompanying Documents: