Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and University
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources:
Authorise the Director of Governance or delegated officers to enter into any other legal documentation on behalf of the Council in relation to this matter, including the design and build contract and early works agreement.
The Local Authority has a statutory duty to provide school places. There are significant pressures on the city to provide school places in the areas most in need. Under the S106 agreement relating to the land east of Peterborough Road and south of Oakdale Avenue Stanground, (Cardea), on reaching trigger points for occupation of dwellings, if the demographics showed there was a need, Persimmons would transfer land to accommodate the build. The decision to expand St Michael’s Church School was made by the Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and University following review of demographic data as part of the School Organisation Plan 2012-2017.
As a result of the above, St Michaels Church School is expanding to two forms of entry. The proposed scheme will :
- Provide 6 new classrooms, additional hall, group/ppa rooms, toilets, storage and nursery provision
- Re-configure the car parking at the school to maximise the number of spaces available
- Re-provision of pitches, soft and hard play areas
- Re-configuration of existing staffroom to extend into adjacent group room.
School Organisation Plan 2012-2017
EFA Contractors Framework Guidance November 2013
Medium Term Financial Plan
Publication date: 10/12/2015
Date of decision: 10/12/2015
Effective from: 16/12/2015
Accompanying Documents: