Decision details

Review of the Peterborough Local Plan - JUL15/CAB/66

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Cabinet received a report, the purpose of which was to enable it to consider the proposal to commence preparation of a Local Plan for Peterborough and, if it was agreed, a new Local Plan to be produced. The report further sought Cabinet’s approval for an updated Local Development Scheme (LDS) which outlined the timetable for preparing the Local Plan.


Cabinet considered the report and RESOLVED:


1.To authorise officers to commence a review of the Local Plan; and


2.To approve the Local Development Scheme (LDS), which set out a timetable for the production of a new Local Plan, and bring it into effect from 31 July 2015

Reasons for the decision:

-       To ensure that new development continues to take place in planned locations and help demonstration of a ‘5 year housing land supply’ (a Government requirement), reducing the risk of challenge from speculative, unplanned development.

-       An opportunity to identify new locations for growth in Peterborough, which in turn will meet longer term housing and employment needs;

-       To maintain the Council’s strong reputation for high quality strategic planning by keeping the Local Plan as up to date as possible;

-       To give certainty about future housing delivery;

-       To align preparation of a new Local Plan with the review of other corporate strategies, including the Local Transport Plan, Housing Strategy and Green Infrastructure Plan;

-       To identify additional employment sites to accommodate increasing commercial demand.

-       Continued and potentially additional income via New Homes Bonus, business rate growth and council tax income.

-       Overall, creation of an up-to-date Local Plan, covering a longer timeframe, means more certainty for everyone (the public, developers and public service providers) about where growth will take place.




Alternative options considered:

Do nothing and review the situation in 12 months. This option was rejected because it would fail to take advantage of the benefits of commencing a new Local Plan, as set out in this report.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

None declared.

Background Documents:


Publication date: 20/07/2015

Date of decision: 20/07/2015

Effective from: 24/07/2015

Accompanying Documents: