Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and the University
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Approve the awarding of the Translation and Interpretation services contract from the NHS SBS Framework to Capita Translation and Interpretation services Ltd for a period of 48 months from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2026, At an approximate total contract value of £680,000
A comparative analysis of alternative frameworks against PCC’s requirements and usage was undertaken to identify the most competitive provider. By comparing provider prices against PCC’s historic usage, savings and benefits were estimated. Following evaluation of our options and being compliant with the Framework requirements for Direct Award it was deemed that this was the favoured option. This reduces time, effort and resources spent on commissioning and procurement activities. This process is compliant with Public Contract Regulation 2015 and PCC’s Contract Procurement Rules 2016. Therefore as a result of full analysis and evaluation calling off from Framework SBS/21/NL/ZWV/10127 Lot 6 is the most economically advantageous option and will deliver the best value for money. Furthermore, in awarding to the incumbent supplier who has consistently delivered a good service we can ensure continuity of service provision.
Procure through a tender process: This was rejected on the basis that there are several Public Sector Language Service Frameworks that list 20 to 30 language providers on their framework all with a proven track records of delivering language services. These frameworks include for example, the Crown Commercial service, NHS Shared Business Services and ESPO. Approved providers on these frameworks are quality checked while pricing is standardised. The alternative options are outlined below:
1. Run an open procedure in accordance with Public Contracts Regulations 2015
2. Run a further competition against one of the existing Frameworks as detailed below
ESPO – Ref 402-20 Lot 1c NHS SBS - Ref SBS/21/NL/ZWV/10127 Lot 6
To do nothing – this was rejected as access to quality translation and interpretation service enables Council Officers carry out duties and communicate with people, families and communities.
ATC UK – Language Industry Survey and Report
Publication date: 10/10/2022
Date of decision: 10/10/2022
Effective from: 14/10/2022
Accompanying Documents: