Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Public Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member approved the transfer of commissioning responsibility for Healthwatch services from Peterborough City Council to Cambridgeshire County Council.
Combining resources and strategic approaches will increase capacity and improve efficiency in Healthwatch provision thus ultimately providing better value for money for commissioners.
Increased capacity is essential to the effectiveness of Healthwatch, particularly as demand for the service grows and the local population continues to increase. Operating as one Healthwatch allows back office functions to be combined and economies of scale realised. This includes one Information and Signposting Service, one website, one central administrative centre and a combined approach to communications. This also frees up additional capacity to focus on frontline delivery.
Currently both Healthwatch are represented at many meetings and groups, including the STP, Area Executive Partnerships and the CCG, which operate on a Cambridgeshire and Peterborough footprint. At present, Healthwatch Peterborough struggles to service all the required meetings. By combining resources the burden of representation will be reduced freeing up more capacity. Partnership working will also be simplified and strengthened as many organisations and projects work across both areas.
A larger Healthwatch with more capacity will be easier for smaller providers to engage with, particularly GPs and social care providers.
The merger will also allow a planned approach to accessing a variety of funds including from external sources, bringing money into the area to support patient and public involvement activities and improve capacity and capability.
Separately the two Healthwatch are struggling to reach all communities, particularly some seldom heard groups. By freeing up capacity through improved efficiency and smarter working, Healthwatch will be able to recruit and support more volunteers and directly enable more grassroots community engagement. This is important given the complex health inequalities within Peterborough. The increased reach and capacity will enable more local people to share their views and experiences to influence the policy, planning, commissioning and delivery of publicly-funded health and social care. It will also allow more local people to receive information and advice regarding access to and making choices about services.
Combining the two Healthwatch will lead to development and innovation in service delivery as the organisations share skills and knowledge. The merger will also allow Healthwatch Peterborough to play a greater role in the region. For example, Healthwatch Cambridgeshire have worked with the other Eastern County Healthwatch to hold the first ever regional Healthwatch conference. As a merged organisation, Peterborough would have had a greater role in this type of network development and increase its influence especially with bordering Healthwatch in Lincolnshire, Rutland and Leicestershire.
Both Healthwatch share a Clinical Commissioning Group and the Sustainability and Transformation Plan. A number of key delivery partners operate across both areas (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust, Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Foundation Trust and the merger of Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Hinchingbrooke Healthcare NHS Trust). Therefore it seems sensible for Healthwatch to be co-terminus with key strategic and delivery partners and have a single voice in conversations about health and social care across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Ensuring Peterborough retains a quality and effective Healthwatch service is of the utmost importance. The service level agreement and service specification will be drafted to ensure continued representation of Peterborough’s voice in strategic forums and local presence to deliver services and support local volunteers.
Staff at Healthwatch Peterborough will benefit from integration into Healthwatch Cambridgeshire regarding Terms and Conditions of Employment, such as sick pay and pension entitlements and contributions, enabling a more stable and supported workforce.
Option 1 - Do nothing and let the contract end. This option was excluded as the local authority would not fulfil its statutory responsibility to provide a Healthwatch service. It would also limit the voice of the people in Peterborough being heard with regard to local health and social care services.
Option 2 - Maintain a distinct Healthwatch Peterborough and extend the current provider’s contract. This option was excluded as it is contrary to the Public Procurement Regulations.
Option 3 - Maintain a distinct Healthwatch Peterborough and undertake a competitive procurement exercise to award a new contract. This option was considered but ultimately excluded as it doesn’t enable the creation of a single Healthwatch across the area.
Publication date: 31/03/2017
Date of decision: 31/03/2017
Effective from: 06/04/2017
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